Dealing with Death & Dying in Medical Education and Practice
© 2001 Kirsti A. Dyer, MD, MS
AMSA Convention March 30, 2001
Death Awareness

Quickly, without much thought, write down all of the words that come into your mind in response to the word--

 - DEATH -


On to Assessment


1. List all the words that come into your mind in response to the word "DEATH"
2. Assign values - positive, negative, neutral to the words you have written.
3. Total up the number of positives, negatives and neutrals.
4. Discuss/Share
5. Insights - the number of positives vs. negatives provides a sense for where you may be in dealing with DEATH
ø  Dying
-  Grief
-  Loss
-  Sorrow
+ Rebirth
+ Renewal

-  Pain
-  Suffering
-  Alone
-  Loneliness
-  Dark
-  Black
-  Bleak

3   Neutral
10 Negatives
7   Positives
ø  Cemeteries
ø  Tomb Stones
+  Reverence
+  Family legacy
+  Memories
+  Remembrance
+  Celebration of Life


Irish DP, Lundquist KF, Nelson VJ, Eds.: Ethnic Variations in Dying, Death, and Grief: Diversity in Universality.  Washington, DC: Taylor & Francis, 1993.
Bell G. Presented at Cross Ccultural Aspects of Loss and Grief, March 2001. UC Berkeley Extension.

Compilation of resources for this presentation and Website © 2001 Kirsti A. Dyer, MD, MS.
Journey of Hearts,