About this Website
Important Legalese
Journey of Hearts 
A Healing Place in CyberSpaceTM
If you reach this site and are suicidal, helpless, hopeless, or know someone who is experiencing these symptoms, it is imperative that you dial 911 or the local crisis hot line to help you find the necessary resources to manage the immediate crisis.

The information on this site is provided for educational purposes only. The information is meant to provide a way of assessing whether or not professional help may be necessary.  It is not meant to be a substitute for contacting the appropriate professional services when needed, or self-diagnosing and treating major medical or psychiatric illnesses.

If you feel that professional assistance is needed, please talk to someone--a friend, counselor, physician, or clergy and contact your local mental health, human services center. You can also look in the Yellow pages under Counselors, Psychologists, Social Workers or Psychiatrists.

In addition to looking through the Yellow Pages if you are looking for a physician contact your local hospital or medical society, state medical society for a list of physician referrals.

Although I am an internal medicine physician, I will be unable to answer any specific questions that might constitute a "consultation" due to the nature of the legal ramifications currently in place on the Internet. These consultations need to occur with a local physician counselor, or psychiatrist.

These links and information resources are provided to allow people to obtain useful and more accurate information on a variety of subjects. To the best of our knowledge these are legitimate, reputable, and informative resources, which have been reviewed and/or recommended by members of the Alliance of Healing Hearts. If these resources or links are determined to be problematic they will be removed.

Kirsti A. Dyer, MD, MS
Last updated June 12, 1998
All material, unless otherwise specified, is copyrighted 1997-8 by Journey of Hearts A Healing Place in CyberSpace. We invite you to share the information on this site with others who may benefit, but ask that you share from the heart only and not for profit.
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