of Inspiration
Footprints on the Heart
Journey of Hearts 
A Healing Place
in CyberSpaceTM
on the Heart
Some people come into our lives
Some people move our souls to dance.
They awaken us
to new understanding
with the passing whisper of their
people make
the sky more beautiful to gaze
They stay in our lives for awhile,
leave footprints on our hearts
And we are never, ever the same.
From a Poster by Flavia
Last updated May 3, 1998
The above words were found on a poster copyright
1995 by Flavia. For information on their products contact www.flavia.com
All material, unless otherwise specified, is copyrighted
1997-8 by Journey of Hearts A Healing Place in CyberSpace. We invite you
to share the information on this site with others who may benefit, but
ask that you share from the heart only and not for profit.
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