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The full web page version "Recommendations for Evaluating Online Resources: Advice for Healthcare Consumers - Part 1 " can be found at:

Check List for Websites
In addition to the evaluation criteria above, Kaiser Permanente recommends looking at the following questions when evaluating health and medical websites. When assessing websites does the content appear to be…

The information presented seems to be based on sound, accepted medicine or science.
The sources for each topic are noted on the site.

Source of the information is clearly stated.
Sources are from published reports and/or health care professionals with credentials.
Groups and/or individuals who support the site (financially or otherwise) are clearly identified.
Site provides links to other sources of health information.
Information on the site appears to be balanced.

CheckEasy to understand?
The information on the site is easy to understand.
The site explains any medical words or terms that are unclear.
Articles on the site are well-written.

CheckEasy to use?
The site opens easily and downloads quickly on the computer.
It is easy to navigate without getting lost.
It is easy to find the information on this site.
The site provides a table of contents or site map to find information/sections.

The site provides balanced information on all the topics it covers.

CheckHelpful, especially for making health decisions?
The information given on this site helps users understand treatment options.
The information given on this site helps users make decisions about their health.
The information given on this site does not make the user frightened.
The site gives users suggestions for "next steps."
Users can use the information from the site in their daily life.

The information on this site is interesting.
This site is pleasing to view.

The site provides dates that indicate when information for each topic was created and last updated.
The dates for sources used on the site are easy to find.
All sources used on this site are dated.

Kaiser Permanente's Health Information Checkup Website. Finding Healthy Information Online. May 2001. Available at: Leaving Site and at: Leaving Site 

This material is © 2002 by Kirsti A. Dyer, MD, MS, Journey of Hearts, All rights reserved.
A single copy can be made for personal or professional use.
Contact Dr. Dyer at for permission to use materials from this website for other ventures.