Depression & Suicide
Loneliness - The Poems
Journey of Hearts
A Healing Place in CyberSpaceTM
Loneliness - the Poems

These two poems, both entitled Loneliness are good companion pieces to each other. I have included them to describe the emotions, so that visitors to the site may not feel as isolcated in their own emotions.
The first was written by me, during a time of Loneliness, Isolation and Desolation, ending with a rather bleak note.


    It arrives unannounced
    the old familiar feeling
    an unwelcome companion.
    Tired of the oneness
    of being half, not whole.
    Yearning for completion
    to find the missing piece
    Always alone.
    Why try?
    Why endure?
    It is a daily struggle to continue,
    to remember to wake
    to breathe
    to exist.
    The emptiness consumes me.
    Wanting more.
    This is all.
    There is no more.
      ©Kirsti A. Dyer, MD, MS

The second Loneliness comes from one of the Alliance Members, Karen Countermarsh Fahel. This poem was written by her brother Peter wrote just two months before he died.

    We all get lonely once in a while 
    Inside we're depressed and try to smile. 
    A smile don't work, depression gets worse 
    The idea of being lonely we try to nurse. 
    When it gets so bad we can't think any more 
    We should think of the things we truly adore. 
    Good times are there in the past of our lives 
    Whether it's with brothers, sisters, husbands or wives 
    If we have none of them just think of a friend 
    Remember a good thought, let happiness begin.
    Remember we've had joyous times in our past so the potential of happiness is plentiful in our present or future. If we have to grab a memory from our past to make us happy, at least it's something. 
    © Peter Coutermarsh June 28, 1994

The irony with these two poems is that I am still alive and Peter Coutermarsh lost his life to suicide, two months after his poem was written. To read about his sister's reflections on reading this poem at his funeral, check the link to the Loneliness poem.

'Listen' to Peter's words and Look to happy, joyous memories of the past during the times of loneliness to help hold on, until things get better.

As bleak as things may seem some times, they do get better. I am living proof of that!

Last updated September 14, 1998
The poem Loneliness is © 1996 by Siilin Sisu.
The Second poem Loneliness is used with permission of the author's sister.
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