Dealing with Death & Dying
in Medical Education and Practice

Presented by
Kirsti A. Dyer, MD, MS, FAEETS

AMSA's 51st Annual Convention 
Friday, March 30, 2001

Are you unsure of how to care for dying and chronically ill patients, or how you may be impacted by dealing with multiple losses? This Interest Group will present two interactive sessions on exploring key skills including delivering bad news to patients/families, ways to continue caring for end-of-life patients, understanding the grief process and declaring a death. We'll also discuss various coping strategies to help participants deal better emotionally with matters of death and dying, grief and loss. We will be given the opportunity to share experiences and brainstorm on ways to help colleagues and how to improve death and bereavement education at our medical schools and residency programs.

The materials on this website were those used for this presentation. Due to the over whelming turnout, many of the participants did not receive the handouts during the presentation. We decided to make the information available in a printer-friendly version Online. It is our hope that the resources might be accessed, used and shared by the workshop participants at their institutions to help educate others on dealing with death and dying, who were unable to attend the workshop.

We are interested in feedback, especially if people are using the resources at their programs.

Kirsti A. Dyer, MD, MS, FAAETS, BCETS, BCBT is an internist practicing part-time in North California. She has been interested in the emerging area death and dying since before medical school. As a medical student, resident and now as a practicing physician, Dr. Dyer has worked to help educate collegues in these often neglected area. In addition she has published many articles on various related topics. Since 1997 she has been creating, designing, writing, editing, hosting and maintaining the freely available Journey of Hearts Web site, an online resource devoted to the overlooked areas of grief and loss.
Compilation of resources for this presentation and Website © 2001 Kirsti A. Dyer, MD, MS. Email:griefdoc@kirstimd.comJourney of Hearts,
Many of the articles may be reproduced for educational purposes provided the corresponding copyright is included.