ABCDE’s of Delivering
Bad News
Advance Preparation
What the patient already know/understand already?
Arrange for the presence of a support person and
appropriate family
Arrange a time and place to be undisturbed (Hand
off beeper!)
Prepare yourself emotionally
Decide on which words and phrases to use—write a
Build a therapeutic environment/relationship
Arrange a private, quiet place without interruptions
Provide adequate seating for all
Sit close enough to touch if appropriate
Reassure about pain, suffering, abandonment
Communicate Well
Be direct - "I am sorry that I have bad news for
Do not use euphemisms, jargon, acronyms
Use the words – "Cancer," "AIDS," "Death" as appropriate
Allow for silence
Use touch appropriately
Deal with patient and family reactions
Assess patient reaction: physiologic responses, cognitive
coping strategies, affective responses
Listen actively, explore, have empathy
Encourage and validate emotions,
Evaluate the News
Address further needs: What are the patient’s immediate
and near-term plans, suicidality?
Make appropriate referrals for more support
Explore what the news means to the patient
Express your own feelings
Rabow MW, McPhee SJ. Beyond breaking bad news:
how to help patients who suffer. WJM 1999;171: 260-263. Available as PDF
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