of Inspiration
A Tiny Candle
& Ripples of Hope
Journey of Hearts
A Healing Place in CyberSpaceTM
Often when I wonder if this site
is making a difference, I receive an e-mail from someone that confirms
we are helping. The inspiration for this page comes from a quote sent by
a visitor to the site, answering my own question, "Can one person really
make a difference?"
I'm only a tiny candle, in a
dim world, but I manage to recommend your
site to all I know. Your Emergency Pick MeUp Kit, is constantly on
my lips, from all who have suffered
a loss, to all that like musuems...You
are a born nurturer, and I, my family, and all my internet
friends, have been given your
site, for maximum ease, in walking this world.
Your site, never ceases to amaze
me....The time and care you give to
it, must be astounding. You are truely an Imagineer.
Best Wishes....
Alan Steinberg
Harrington Park,
New Jersey, USA
This page is a collection of other
inspirational 'light' quotes to transition the reader from darkness to
light and then on to hope.
Light Quotes
At times our own light goes
out and is rekindled by a spark from another person.
Each of us has cause to think
with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.
Albert Schweitzer
Give light, and the darkness
will disappear of itself.
Many candles can be kindled
from one candle without diminishing it.
The Midrash
Our brightest blazes of gladness
are commonly kindled by unexpected sparks.
Samuel Johnson
There is a light that shines
beyond all things on earth, beyond us all, beyond the heavens.
This is the light that shines
in our hearts.
Chandogya Upanishad
Our deepest fear is not that
we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
...as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are
liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
Marianne Williamson
Life is no brief candle to me;
it is a sort of bright torch
which I have got hold of for a moment
and I want to make it burn as
brightly as possible
before handing it on to future
George Bernard
It is my hope that each person
who visits this site becomes a spark, of hope, that people can sustain
losses and survive. The Midrash reminds us that "Many candles can be kindled
from one without diminishing it" and that many small candles together can
create a great light. Never underestimate the the strength of one person’s
dream, the power of One Voice, the wind
from a butterfly's wing or the light from one
dim candle. That tiny candle may be the bright light out of someone’s darkness.
We hope to inspire visitors to
become candles for others who are in the earlier stages of the grieving
process, to kindle the flame, spark blazes of gladness in realizing that
in the "giving of light, the darkness will disappear," by becoming a light
in someone else's darkness.
of Hope
From the response to this site,
I have realized that one person with an idea, who is willing to follow
through on that idea can make a difference and that one person can
reach others.
Every person the Journey of
Hearts site helps has an immeasurable ripple effect on others. For every
person the site reachs, teaches and provides information as to what a grieving
person may be feeling, it ultimately impacts so many more around them.
Whether the visitor is the one experiencing the loss, or a friend or family
member searching for information, understanding the grief process makes
it easier to cope and I believe ultimately hastens the healing process.
The healing cycle repeats itself as the survivors become the teachers and
the healers.
Each time
a man stands up for an ideal,
or acts to improve the life
of others,
or strikes out against injustice,
he sends a tiny ripple of hope,
and those ripples, crossing
each other from a million different centers of energy,
build a current which can sweep
down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.
Robert F. Kennedy
To paraphrase the quote from
Robert Kennedy we want to
...Create tiny ripples of hope
from this site that will cross each other from a million different centers
of energy creating a current that will sweep down the walls of oppression
and ignorance of the topic of grief and loss.
Last updated April 7, 1999
All material, unless otherwise specified, is ©1997-9
by Journey of Hearts A Healing Place in CyberSpace. We invite you to share
the information on this site with others who may benefit, but ask that
you share from the heart only and not for profit.
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the Domain Designer email to email@kirstimd.com
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