Words of Solace
Angel Greetings
Journey of Hearts
A Healing Place in CyberSpaceTM
Thank you from Heaven
on the wings of an Angel
brought her to you.
You whose love was true
and understanding real.
I take a feather
from my blessed wing
and place it in your hearts.
May the memories of your kindness and love
make you smile and think of me.
From the walls of Del Puerto Hospital Patterson, CA
and the family of Kenneth F. Hellyer 
I found this quote framed and handing on the walls of the hospital in a rural community that I worked in for a while in California. 
The words were so healing that I copied them down in case I needed them later. I have shared these words with friends who have lost someone, printed up and framed ...with feathers.
The Legend of the Angel Feather
I am an Angel feather
Sent from God above.
To serve as a reminder
Of his most gracious love.
Last updated January 29, 1998
All other material, unless otherwise specified, is copyrighted 1997-8 by Journey of Hearts A Healing Place in CyberSpace. We invite you to share the information on this site with others who may benefit, but ask that you share from the heart only and not for profit.