A. Dyer, MD, MS
Hawaii - Land of Rainbows
Hawaii with its combination of frequent passing showers and strong
sunshine creates the perfect conditions for experiencing frequent rainbow
Many of the Hawaiian legends involve man's interaction with nature,
this also includes the role that the Rainbow plays in their legends. (See
We are also blessed in California with the combination of storms and sunshine, so that Rainbow viewings are not uncommon in the Sunshine State.
The Science behind the Rainbow- Prisms
Rainbows occur when sunlight is refracted (bent) through millions of raindrops. The drops act like prisms. The larger the drops and the brighter the sun, the more vivid the colors. The colors are bent so that the part of the spectrum with the longest wavelenghts (red) spectrum bend the least, and the shortest (violet) bend the mostthe the top of the rainbow is red and the bottom violet.
In school we remembered ROY G. BIV for the color of the rainbow, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet.
There are only two ingredients needed for rainbows are showers and sunshine. To see a rainbow one needs to be positioned so the sun is at your back, while you watch the falling water.
The Legends
In many civilizations, rainbows are regarded as bridges, from this
world to the next.
For the Greeks, rainbows were signals of the arrival of the Goddess Iris.
In China, Rainbows are thought to be dragons connected to water, fertility and femininity.
In the Jewish culture, Rainbows were omen's of God's good will.
In Hawaiian mythology -
Rainbows were both sometimes good, sometimes bad, but most of the time favorable.
Rainbows represented members of the noble class (alii) and also spirits of dead ancestors. Deaths of the alii were always accompanied by misty rain and rainbows.
Rainbows appear after doing religious, ceremonial a direct, immediate response to the request. Hawaiians believe in seeing good or bad in the signs that nature provide all the time.Rainbow Quotes
From a Native American Proverb,
to help in times of loss:
the eyes had no tears,
no rainbow. Native
American Proverb
Perhaps the most famous Rainbow song, from the Wizard of Oz, "Somewhere
Over the Rainbow," for me is more motivation for this website, "where the
dreams that you dare to dream really do come true." So perhaps, the website
is in reality, "A Healing Place in CyberSpace, Somewhere Over the Rainbow."