Learning How to Soar
Song - A Piece of Sky
Journey of Hearts
A Healing Place in CyberSpaceTM
From my college days an inspirational song that got me through many finals. When I re-listened to the words over a decade later, I realized how the theme corresponds with our own, Learning How to SOAR. To the dreamers and the believers, look until you find more than just your piece of sky.
 A Piece of Sky
Lyrics by Alan & Marilyn Bergman
Copyright 1983 Emanuel Music/Threesome
From the Motion Picture Yentl

In recognition of the importance of music to help people to heal, we have aligned ourselves with CDNow for those who might be interested in ordering some of music mentioned on this website, we have aligned ourselves with CDNow to be able to provide this service from the comfort of your computer.

Last updated July 7, 1998
 The clouds photograph is from Aspen Colorado, Spring 1998 copyright 1998, Kirsti A. Dyer.
This site will receive a small portion of all sales from music CD's on this site. Any income generated from the sale of CD's
will be used to maintain, expand and promote the Journey of Hearts A Healing Place in CyberSpace.
All material, unless otherwise specified, is copyrighted 1997-8 by Journey of Hearts A Healing Place in CyberSpace. We invite you to share the information on this site with others who may benefit, but ask that you share from the heart only and not for profit.
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