Transitional Medicine
Transitional Quotes
Journey of Hearts
A Healing Place in CyberSpace TM

Quotes on the common experience of loss
The following quotes are a collection of classical quotes, some of these quotes are centuries old, yet the words still ring true in explaining the common experience of loss. For me, reading words that were written centuries ago capturing the essence of the emotions that I have felt, reinforces the knowledge that I am not alone in my grief. Others have felt these emotions, lived through them and survived.

These quotes are arranged to take you from loss, through transition, to healing and understanding a higher purpose, to provide a transitional healing in the reading.
These collected quotes, edited together in a healing sequence can more elloquently convey the underlying meaning in Transitional Medicine, the driving force behind Journey of Hearts.

From Loss...

 Through Transition To Healing And a New Understanding
Last Updated September 16, 1998
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