Ways of
Volunteerism - Resources
Journey of Hearts 
A Healing Place in CyberSpaceTM
Volunteerism - Resources
When one person can
make a great difference...
To give without any reward,
or any notice,
has a special quality of
its own.
Anne Morrow Lindberg
National Volunteer Week - April
18-24, 1999
In honor of National Volunteer Week, we have created a separtate section
on the Emergency Pick-Me-Up page recognizing Voluntering as a Way of Coping.
This section is a collection of resources and projects to help provide
information for where to get started finding places to volunteer. This
listing is not intended to be comprehensive, rather to serve as a spring-board
for a place to start looking for volunteer opportunities. There is a wide
range of volunteer needs within the Internet Community, including service
opportunities for the home-bound, disabled, physically-challenged, or aging
which did not exist even a few years ago.
National Volunteer Week is sponsored
by the Points of Light Foundation to spread the word and help involve more
citizens across the country in meaningful service. The theme for the National
Volunteer Week 1999 is "Volunteers Light the Way," borrowing from
The Starfish Story. When I first read this
story, I was struck by the message, as those coordinating the National
Volunteer Week. This story underscores the reason why many of us continue
to try and make a differenceand is a wonderful example of how one person
can make a difference.
The organizers of the National
Volunteer Week have complied a list of a variety of organizations and resources
for getting started on volunteering.
Points of Light Foundation
OF LIGHT [volunteers]are the
souls of America.
They are
people who reach beyond themselves to the lives of those in need, bring
hope and opportunity, care and friendship.
George Bush
The Foundation's mission is
to engage more people more effectively in volunteer community service to
help solve serious social problems.
The Point of Light website provides
several ways of getting involved:
To Connect With Others Through Service - Connecting
through voluntter service is a powerful tool for bringing people together
and solving many of the problems that face our different communities. This
link provides a listing of suggestions for ways to get started.
How you can Mentor - A mentor
is any caring adult who makes an active, positive contribution to the life
of a child who is not his or her own.
Volunteer and Get Connected - Provides
resources, including a national map, for finding a Volunteer Center near
by and starting to connect through service in the community.
The Point of Light Foundation provides
several awards to recognize outstanding volunteers.
The Daily Points of Light Awards
are designed to honor those who have made a commitment to connect Americans
through Service to help meet critical needs in their communities, especially
focused on the goals for children and your set by the President's Summit
for America's Future.
The President's Service Awards
were established in 1982 to honor outstanding individuals, families, groups,
organizations, businesses and lavor unions engaging in voluntary community
service addressing unmet human service, educational, environmental and
public safety needs.
Make a Difference Day Saturday,
Oct 23, 1999
Make a Difference Day was
created in 1992 by by USA WEEKEND. It is the largest national day of helping
others, is sponsored by USA WEEKEND and its over 500 carrier newspapers.
This National Day of Doing good was created to encourage Americans to spend
on day making a difference. Millions of Americans in a variety of
different places, volunteering with numerous diverse causes have participated
during the 8 years of making a difference. In addition to encouraging people
to volunteer, Make a Difference Day has funneled $2.5 million into charity
efforts as awards so that different worthy projects can continue.
The Make a Difference Day website
provides entry forms to enter your project, along with a listing of what
other people have done, and even an Idea
Generator for those having problems coming up with ideas. By answering
three questions, the Idea Generator will help with suggestions for project
ideas in your community, or perhaps help you develop you own unique idea.
All Americans are invited to spend
all or part of the 9th Annual Make a Difference Day on Saturday October
23, 1999. Remember it only takes one person to make a difference in your
Ways of Volunteering
VolunteerMatch - VolunteerMatch
uses the power of the Internet to help individuals nationwide find volunteer
opportunities posted by local nonprofit and public sector organizations.
In partnership with thousands of local non-profit organizations, VolunteerMatch
has created the most comprehensive and up to date databae of volunteer
opportunities. You can search thousands of volunteer opportunities by zip
code, category and date and resigster via e-mail. http://www.volunteermatch.org/
From The Teenager's Guide to
the Real World - 20 Ways for Teenagers to Help Other People by Volunteering
This on-line resource provides a listing of ideas targeting teenagers,
recognizing that it is often difficult to find a volunteer position that
fits with a person's personality. This article provides a list of different
ideas and different possibilities. They recommend looking in the local
area until you can find the volunteer position that works best.
SERVEnet - SERVEnet is a
program of Youth Service America to be a tool for the volunteer and service
community. Their website offers information for the service and volunteer
fields, bringing together thousands of volunteers and community organizations
online. Organizations can post volunteer opportunities for potential volunteers,
and volunteers can locate opportunities by their zip code.
The SERVEnet web site is designed to
accomplish three basic things:
To encourage more citizens to become
actively engaged in their communities by volunteering;
To provide volunteer-based nonprofit
organizations the best resources available to them in a quick and easy
manner; and,
To match the skills, experience, and
enthusiasm of dedicated volunteers with nonprofit organizations who need
their participation
Ways of Virtually Volunteering
With VirtualVolunteering you
can volunteer from "virtually" anywhere using your computer. We have included
several organizations that can help to match computer volunteers with existing
VirtualVolunteering - VirtualVolunteering
was created to encourage and assist in the development of volunteer activities
that can occur via the Internet. VirtualVounteering allows anyone to contibute
time and expertise to not-for-profit organizations, schools, government
offices and other agencies that utilize volunteers, without leaving home
or the office. It is an ideal situations for people to volunteer for opportunities
that they can complete from home or work computers, because of time constraints,
disabilities or home obligations which prevents them from volunteering
for on-site projects. With VirtualVolunteering expanding the horizons for
volunteer areas, potentially more people are able to get involved than
ever before. This type of on-line volunteering helps agencies to further
cultivate community support and augment existing volunteer program benefits.
Catch the Spirit - From
CyberStory a web site devoted to the health, happiness and spiritual well
being of everyone on this planet. Their mission is tocreate a website that
will promote and be a place to share uplifting, feel-good stories designed
to bring a smile to your face, inspire you, help you out of a difficulty,
offer a new perspective and most of all get you thinking about how you
can make a difference in someone's life.
Their Catch the Spirit section
is devoted to the concept that the spirit of giving is alive and well through
charities and encourages people to "catch the spirit of some wonderul organizations
and the people whose lives they've helped in true stories." Sections include
Animal, Children's, Educational,
Health, Human Service, and Women's
Charities as well as International Relief Groups.
SERVEnet - SERVEnet is a
program of Youth Service America to be a tool for the volunteer and service
community. Their website offers information for the service and volunteer
fields, bringing together thousands of volunteers and community organizations
online. Organizations can post volunteer opportunities for potential volunteers,
and volunteers can locate opportunities by their zip code.
The SERVEnet web site is designed to
accomplish three basic things:
To encourage more citizens to become
actively engaged in their communities by volunteering;
To provide volunteer-based nonprofit
organizations the best resources available to them in a quick and easy
manner; and,
To match the skills, experience, and
enthusiasm of dedicated volunteers with nonprofit organizations who need
their participation
Ways of Walking or Running to Raise
Money for Charity
What better way of helping the
community and helping your self by exercising and raising money for a variety
of worthy causes. If you can't run, you can walk, if you can't walk you
can wheel, or sponsor someone who can.
Walking.miningco.com - From
the Mining Company's Walking Guide Wendy Bumgardner provides a comprehensive
listing of a variety of walking and running events.
For a listing of North America
events - Non-Competitive Walks, Racewalking, Run/Walk, and Marathons and
Relays - http://walking.miningco.com/msubcal.htm?COB=home&PID=
For an international listing of
events -
The Runner's Schedule - Their
web site offers a listing of a variety of races, in North America and International.
Ways of Volunteering for Crafters
In creating this section
on Volunteerism, I discovered a wonderful connection to a community of
volunteers within a medium that I had not realized existed--those out there
knitting, crochetting, quilting and sewing--creating their beautiful works
of art so that others might be helped. There were so many, that we created
a separate page for many of the different Volunteer
projects for crafters of all types to help many worthy causes for children,
adults, elderly, homeless and even animals.
Last updated April 16, 1999
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and not for profit.
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