With another Labyrinth built at California Pacific Medical Center, it will only be a matter of time before the scientific research is done to show the adjunctive healing properties--whether spiritual, meditative, imagery or other.
A deep breath for courage
Hands clasped before me in strength.
A single step forward
I enter.
I feel the warm textures of the tapestry,
A comforting, soothing touch beneath my
Cautiously, carefully keeping to the narrow
Following every changing direction
Placing one foot, then the next
Moving closer towards the center.
This ancient sacred path traveled by many
in places near and far,
in times present and long ago,
I share the experience with those walking,
A timeless connection to past, present
and future.
All deep in thought, solitude, and contemplation,
Searching for answers in the midst of confusion
Lost within the maze.
My breathing becomes more rhythmic.
An easy natural rate
My mind begins to focus on the constant
of walking, breathing,
of just being.
All cares and problems abandoned.
My heart opens to hear the inner voice.
Passing by others, each on their own private
Searching for hopes and dreams,
for answers to questions that remain unspoken.
Quietly yielding to those who must stay
true to the path.
At times my steps may falter,
I hesitate which direction to turn,
but I return anew to the course.
Step by step, each turn and twist
I progress to the center,
closer to finding my truth.
Steady on the path
to dreams, to healing, and to answers.
Cleansing the mind.
Mending the spirit.
Healing the soul.
At the heart of this labyrinth-- a quiet
A tranquil place to stay, to escape
A respite from the turmoil of the outside
A place of rest and peace, of renewal.
Time passes swiftly and soon I must depart.
Reluctantly, I leave this haven
with a promise to return again.
A breath to center
Hands free at my sides
Silently, steadily
Following the intricate ancient path
I begin the journey home.
I am met by others on their quest
A respectful glance
A shared smile
A knowing of the common joyous experience.
As I walk the path home
my answer is revealed
Restoring the faith, the belief and the
Knowing that in time
the true path will appear.
This time, a new road
a new path
a new way of healing.
I emerge
the On- line Labyrinth
The On-line
Labyrinth was created so that those who could not travel and visit
a labyrinth could still experience some part of the labyrinth's meditative,
stress reducing and healing properties. Each
time you walk or experience the labyrinth, you become more empowered to
find and do what your soul is seeking.
The World-Wide
Labyrinth Project