Holiday Memories
Poem - My Own Shining Star
Journey of Hearts
A Healing Place in CyberSpaceTM

The author of this poem, My Own Shining Star, Linda Drewes, sent along the following poem in the hopes "that somewhere, someone will gather some comfort from these words and know that they are not alone." They seemed very fitting for the holiday, for those who are mourning the loss of loved ones.  As Linda so poignantly shared, "No matter how many years go by, the loss of a child always stays fresh within your heart." To the shining stars out there.....

My Own Shining Star
Linda Drewes
About the Author

Linda Drewes lost a son in a drowing accident on April 1, 1968. She discovered Journey of Hearts thru a newspaper article in our hometown paper [which we are still trying to discover]. She writes, "No matter how many years go by, the loss of a child always stays fresh within your heart, and I thank you for this site."
She describes herself as "a soon to be (January) 60-year-old mother of four living children of my own, and step-mom to three others! We have 19 grandchildren, all of whom are dearly loved." She writes "you never forget what once was...............especially at this time of the year. The questions are always in your mind.......what would they be like now? How many kids would they have? What goals would he have attained in their lifetime?"
This poem was a way to put feelings on a page so that I would have them to look at in the years to come, and so that others could share my feelings...... in dealing with the first Christmas without my beloved son.
She sent the poem with the message:

And an my e-mail address, for anyone would like to write me, the answer will come - with sharing and
Last updated December 12, 1998
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