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~ Transitional Medicine on Journey of Hearts
When Journey of Hearts ™
was launched in October 1997, it needed a term to describe the grief process
that people go through following a loss or a significant life change—from
loss through transition to healing. In addition we needed a way of describing
this unique medical website, one that could be "experienced" as much as
accessed for medical information. "Transitional
Medicine" is the term we formulated for the grief and loss
work done utilizing the Journey of Hearts ™
Transitional Medicine combines the
best of medicine, psychiatry or counseling, and complementary therapies
to provide resources and support in the grieving process of going from
loss through a transition to eventually reach healing. The site also utilizes
the advantages of the Internet that make it an ideal adjunct for web-education—patient
and physician. New scientific research in the field of Psychoneuroimmunology
is demonstrating that the mind can and does play a significant role in
the disease and healing processes. Transitional Medicine is
also based on concepts of psychoneuroimmunology.
This section contains information, articles, symbolism
and quotes on Transitional Medicine. In addition it includes articles on
Psychoneuroimmunology and web-education
along with links to articles and presentations on Journey of Hearts. ™
Grief AIDE
Journey of Hearts ™
contains a variety of different Grief
AIDEs to help in the education process including information, techniques
for coping, resources, and links to other websites. Grief
AIDEs help people understand and work through the grief process
following a loss, how to survive present and past losses and how to cope
when old losses become felt anew, or new losses occur.
On Transformation
This section describes the transformation process
and the Journey of Grief that a grieving person goes through following
a loss, crisis, or significant life-change, much like a caterpillar spinning
a cocoon to hibernate during dark times before emerging as a butterfly,
a different person in the spring. In addition it also contains links to
a variety of Resources on Transformation
including the butterfly for transformation, poems, quotes and articles.
On Surviving
A survivor is a person one who carries on or
perserveres despite hardships or trauma; one who copes with a trauma or
setback. The American Academy of Expters in Traumatic Stress consider a
survivor of traumatic stress to be those who are exposed to, or witness
events that overwhelm their coping and problem-solving capabilitites. This
section explores surviving, the many different types of survivors and many
different experiences that people can survive. In addition it also contains
links to other pages that include thoughts and examples of surviving as
well as quotes and musical lyrics on survivng and helping survivors to
ultimately thrive.
On "Letting Go"
The traditional view of grief expecially following
a loss through death involved "letting go" of
one’s attachment to the lost loved one, "getting
over it" and "moving on" with one’s life. These traditional views on grief
and mourning have changed and are explored in "Thoughts
on Letting Go: New Paradigm for Grief for the 21st Century." However,
there are certain types of losses, situations and circumstances in which
the concept of "letting go" does apply and can be help the grieving person
"let go" accept and integrate the loss. In addition this section also contatins
links to a variety of Resources on Letting Go including poems, quotes and
articles to help in Creating a Letting Go,
or Creatively Expressing Grief.
In every crisis
there is a message.
Crises are nature's way
of forcing change
breaking down old structures,
shaking loose negative
habits so that something new and better can take their place.
Susan Taylor
See the Emergency
911 Page for links to immediate resources
if you are feeling helpless,
hopeless, overwhelmingly depressed, or suicidal.
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| Transitional Medicine
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