United in Courage & Grief
There is a tremendous
strength that is growing in the world through...
sharing together, praying together, suffering together, and working together.
-Mother Teresa
Ways of Coping then Helping
This section provides helpful information for
coping with the aftermath. First a reminder of the basics needed for survival.
Then a few suggestions specific for fighting back against terrorism. There
are more concrete ways of coping. We have also included some ways of relieving
grief. Finally there are ways of helping, including an article on "Creatively
Expressing Grief" and "How Children can Help." (Click
to skip the suggestions for responding to terrorism and go directly to
More Concrete Ways of Coping.)
Ways of Coping - The Basics
In coping with the aftermath of these tragic
events, it is important to take care of yourself. Even more so, during
this time of stress and uncertainty, remembering to focus on what is basics
for your body to survive:
Take it one hour at a time, one day at a time.
As much as you can maintain your normal routine.
Even if you don't feel like doing your regular activities, try to anyway.
You can behave your way to recovery. Return to your usual routine also
helps to defeat the terrorists goals of disrupting our lives.
Get enough sleep; if you aren't sleep, at least try
to get plenty of rest.
Try and get some regular exercise. This is an excellent
way to relieve stress and tension.
Work on keeping a balanced diet. Watch out for junk
food, or high calorie comfort food binges.
Drink plenty of water.
Be sure to drink in moderation. Alcohol should not
be used as a way of masking the pain.
Do what comforts, sustains and recharges you.
Remind yourself of other times you have felt strong
emotions and how you have survived them. Strong feelings are a part of
you; they can influence what you do and who you will become, but they do
not rule your life.
Peaceful Ways of Fighting Back Against
1. Keep your money in the stock market;
leave your investments where they are. Show your faith in our economy
by investing in the stock market.
2. Fill your car's gas tank as you normally
would. Don't run to the gas station
to fill up your car. Stay with your normal pattern of fueling. If you're
a gas station owner, don't give in to price gouging. If you find yourself
and your community victims of price gouging (at gas stations or grocery
stores), bring it to the public's attention.
3. Buy things — anything, no matter how small.
buying a new car, something fuel efficient to reduce our dependence on
foreign oil. If you've had a project or purchase on your mind, now is the
time to follow through. Don't put off purchases that you have planned because
of this incident and fear for the economy. These delayed purchases can
be self-fulfilling prophecies of a failing economy. Our collective purchases
will have a phenomenal impact and help us fight fear induced volatility
of the price of everyday goods and services.
4. Fly the American flag. Fly it
from your house. Fly it from your car. Fly it in a position of respect
anywhere you can. Stand tall and be American.
5. Withdraw cash from the bank as you usually
would. Don't help cause a run on the banks by withdrawing all your
money. Our financial systems are strong and resilient. Withdraw cash as
you normally do. Terrorists fully intend to scare us into thinking that
our systems are vulnerable well beyond the point of impact.
6. Use public transportation systems. Make
business and travel arrangements as you normally would. Book a flight as
quickly as you are able in order to show your confidence in our airlines,
the new airport security guidelines, and our public safety system. Support
the airport security personnel and let them know you're proud of what they
are doing.
7. Conserve energy. This will help
to stabilize prices and supplies. Take public transportation, walk, bike,
carpool, do whatever you can to avoid driving. Taking public transportation
to work once a week will be a tremendous help. Turn off unused lights and
appliances at home.
8. Write your members of Congress to demand
more funding for alternative fuel research. Our dependence on foreign
oil is a huge vulnerability. If the United States decides to take military
action, our oil supplies may be affected. By reducing our dependence on
foreign oil, we enable our government to do what is deemed necessary.
9. Help unify this country by engaging your
neighbors and community. We need to have one voice to fight terrorism.
Everyone must come together in order for our collective actions to defeat
this evil. Acts of violence against our own people, regardless of their
faith or background, can only be destructive.
10. Get back into your normal pattern of work
and living. Do what you can to continue your normal routines.
Embrace the new security guidelines in airports and other public places
and don't complain.
The "Ten Commandments" of Responding
to Mass Terrorist Attacks (Abbreviated)
George S. Everly, Jr., Ph.D. and Jeffrey T. Mitchell,
1. First, never lose sight of the
fact that, either as a primary or secondary goal, the terrorist act is
designed to engender psychological instability. More specifically,
the goal of the terrorist act is to induce a state of psychological uncertainty,
personal vulnerability, and fear. Terrorism is psychological warfare!
2. Establish crisis intervention hot-lines
and walk-in crisis intervention facilities in every community directly
or indirectly affected. Psychological
support and the restoration of a sense
of community is imperative.
3. Provide pre-incident psychological resiliency
training, as well as on-going psychological support during and after the
terrorist attack to emergency response personnel.
Remember that the psychological state of mind of emergency responders and
military personnel will have direct effects upon their ability to perform
their necessary functions and upon the physical and mental health of the
targeted population as well.
4. Collaborate with mass media services to
provide on-going information to all involved and affected populations.
information is anxiolytic, and contradicts the sense of chaos. Information
combats destructive rumors. Provide age appropriate reading, mass media,
and community activities to help children cope with the situation.
5. Take whatever steps seem requisite to re-establish
a sense of physical safety for the public. Widely publicize these
efforts to the degree security considerations will allow. Special considerations
should be made for children, the elderly, and the infirm.
6. Enlist the support of local political,
educational, medical, economic, and religious leaders. Have them facilitate
communications, calm fears, provide personal crisis intervention (if adequately
trained to do so), and instill hope.
7. Re-establish normal communication, transportation,
school, and work schedules as soon as possible. The longer and greater
the disruption, the greater the perceived risk and lack of safety on the
part of the public.
8. Understand and utilize the power of symbols
as a means of re-establishing community cohesion. Flags, bumper stickers,
wearing red, white and blue, signs, and billboards can all be effective.
9. Initiate rituals to honor the survivors,
honor the rescuers, and honor the dead. Provide opportunities for others,
not directly affected, to assist those directly affected, e.g., donations
of blood, food, clothing, money, etc. Communicate to all the notion that
an effective way to honor the dead is to carry on and succeed in life.
To do otherwise is to allow the terrorists to be victorious.
10. Do no harm! Although well intended,
early psychological support may be counterproductive if:
a) it interferes with tactical
assessment and rescue efforts,
b) applied in such a way as to interfere
with natural recovery mechanisms, or
c) it intensifies the manifest level of
experienced traumatization.
Ways of Coping
- More Concrete
Give yourself permission to grieve. It is important
to work through the emotions. An ungrieved loss remains alive in our unconscious.
Talking about your emotions can help you work through
them. Talk about your feelings with someone you trust, such as your parents
or another relative, a school counselor or a spiritual leader.
Tell your story. Telling the story of the grief gives
a voice to the loss. Telling and retelling the story of grief is a way
of helping to make the loss real. Each time the story is repeated, the
reality of the loss becomes more undeniable.
Listen to each other. One of the most valuable things
we can do to help each other heal is listen to the stories.
Keep up with the news reports, as new information
becomes available.
Take breaks away from the intense news coverage for
periods of time. If needed avoid media coverage of the event all together.
Repeatedly reliving the disaster in pictures and images or hearing about
how frightening the event was can slow down a person's ability to get over
the stress of the disaster.
Reflect on what brings meaning and importance in
your life. View this as a "Wake-up" call, chance to re-evaluate your life
and your life priorities.
Rededicate yourself to the fundamental principles--life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness--for which our nation stands.
Draw strength from your spiritual or religious beliefs
and traditions.
Attend (or organize) memorial services.
Guard against prejudice and racism. Extremists carried
out these acts of terror. Speak out if you hear prejudice or racism. Caution
others to avoid inappropriate generalizations about any religious, racial
or ethnic group.
If you become angry make sure that the anger serves
the cause of justice and fairness, not prejudice and blind revenge.
Put off making any major life-changing decisions.
Use the time to evaluate your priorities--which many have changed in light
of this life-altering event.
Spend time with your family and/or loved ones.
If your feelings continue to remain as strong or
last longer than four to six weeks, or in your thoughts are out of control,
leading to depression or causing anxiety that is inactivating, you may
want to seek professional help to help you sort through your feelings.
Contact your Employee Assistance Program, your primary care physician,
or a local mental health clinic.
If you want to begin healing, start giving. By helping
other people, you can begin to heal.
Ways of Relieving Grief
In addition to the techniques already mentioned
below are some suggestions of additional techniques which can be helpful
in relieving the intense emotion of grief. Many of the "Things to Do" are
also listed under "Ways of Helping" since one of the best ways of feeling
better is to do something for someone else.
Things to Do:
Express your emotions down on paper via Creative
Writing, Journaling, Poetry, even List making
Take slow deep breaths, especially when feeling
Soak in a warm bath, or warm bubble bath
Walk, run, hike, dance, play tennis, swim, ride
a bike, climb a rock--whatever gets you moving
Attend religious services
Plant a "memory garden"
Send your condolences
Walk or Run for Charity
Design a Website
Wear a ribbon - Red, White and Blue for Patriotism,
Green for Peace (see below)
Display the American Flag--on yourself, on your
car, on your home
Organize a memorial service
Sing, listen to soothing music
Pray or meditate
Hug a loved one
Get a massage
Create a memorial e.g. quilt, mural, sculpture
Help someone else less fortunate
Put your creativity to use
Things to Sense:
Watch favorite old uplifting movies
Attend the theater
Go to the symphony or music concert
Look through old photo albums, alone or with
loved ones
Get out in nature
Walk through a garden
Look up at the night sky
Watch the sun rise or set
Watch the waves at the ocean
Listen to a brook, lake, river or ocean
Smell - your favorite smells e.g. baking bread,
pine forests, spring flowers, lavender
Things to Feel:
A deep sense of calmness
Feeling the wind on your face
Tumbling down a snowy or grassy hill
Having water splash and tingle your skin
Seeing a rainbow emerge from the clouds
Places to Just "Be"
Under a tree
At the beach
On a rock
In nature
By a stream or lake
On a bench
Under a waterfall
In a warm bath or hot tub
On top of a high mountain
In a church setting
In a setting with a breath-taking view
At sunset
Sitting quietly, calmly
In this troubled world,
it's refreshing to find someone who still has the time to be kind.
Someone who still has the faith
to believe that the more you give, the more you receive.
Someone who's ready by thought,
word, or deed to reach out a hand, in the hour of need.
-Helen Steiner Rice
Ways of Helping
There are a variety of ways that people are finding
to help them cope with this tragedy. We have compiled a collection of the
best suggestions from several sources. For more suggestions see the page
on "Creatively Expressing Grief."
Participate in community ceremonies that will be
held across the country to remember and honor the dead, the wounded and
the missing
Create a your own Memorial service - in memory of
those who have died, in memory of the rescue workers
Create a Memorial - Bulletin Board of Letters, poems
pictures, sculpture, collage
Donate--money, time, food clothing-- to the 9-11
relief efforts or to your favorite charity. Other disasters are and will
be occurring which will need support, but may not get the publicity.
Donate blood at your local blood center.
Give blood at regular intervals after the initial
need has been met. There will be other disasters that will also need the
Contribute in some way to the rescue work and rebuilding
effort through donations of time, money or other assistance to victims
and their families.
Wear red, white, and blue ribbons or clothes. Encourage
your friends and family to do so that people can show their support.
Make a Patriotic Pin. Instructions at: http://www.katu.com/special/attack/patriotic_pins.asp
Write sympathy and support notes to affected individuals
and groups.
Thank your local firefighters, police and emergency
personnel for the job that they do.
Tell your loved ones and friends how you feel about
them--before it is too late.
Perform random acts of kindness. This will help to
reassure yourself there is tenderness and thoughtfulness in the world.
Pay the bridge toll for the person behind you. Smile at the store clerk.
Be especially kind to others. Make space for the
car merging in on the freeway. Don't honk your horn unless it is necessary.
Volunteer your services to someone in need. Offer
your assistance to someone who needs help. Reassure yourself that there
is kindness and caring in the world.
Do something that could help others - for example,
take a first aid or CPR class
Plant a tree or flowers in a garden in memory
Wear green ribbons as symbols for life, peace and
support for the thousands that lost their lives and the millions whose
hearts they touched http://www.greenribbon.org/
Visit the 9-11
peace.org Website who are urging a non-military response as the
best strategy for a permanent end to terror and supporting action for Justice
not war. Sign a petition to be sent to world leaders. Attend an event and
get involved in the mobilization for peace.
Phone, write, and email your elected officials to
let them know how you are feeling about these events.
How Children Can Help
Children our our future. Their thoughts and ideas
are important as well as how they are coping with this event. What follows
are several suggestions for ways in which Children can help:
Send a message to the families and friends of victims.
Share your ideas about what should be done and what
you are doing to help.
Keep a journal of your thoughts and emotions.
Learn more about what's going on in the world. Watch
the news with an adult.
Plan a memorial or a remembrance service
Create A Tree of Hope - http://www.fenichel.com/hopetree.shtml
A tree trunk with branches needs to be cut out
of paper to place on a wall, or a suitable tree outdoors can be used. Then
students should write their thoughts, short stories, quotes, verses or
poems on paper of their choosing. They can also include e-mail messages
from other people around the world. Finally "leaves" for the tree are cut
out of the paper and added to the tree. The "tree" can be further embellished
with ribbons and other mementos.
Make a poster, or a collage with drawings, pictures
and thoughts.
Show your support for the victims, the rescue workers
and our country
Join the Green
Ribbon Campaign. Green ribbons are symbols for life, peace and
support for the thousands that lost their lives and the millions whose
hearts they touched.
Paint flags on posters or paper and hang them in
public places in your town.
Write personal messages or draw pictures showing
your support for the firemen, policemen, and rescue workers. Put them in
public places like your yard or in windows. Ask local merchants if they'll
put one of your signs in their window. Try and get the messages published
in the local paper.
Support 9-11
peace.org urging a non-military response as the best strategy for
a permanent end to terror and supporting action for Justice not war. Sign
a petition to be sent to world leaders. Attend an event and get involved
in the mobilization for peace.
Bake cookies or collect cards from your friends for
the local firefighters and policemen who work in your hometown to tell
them how much you appreciate their hard work. Ask your parents for help
to deliver them.
Wear red, white, and blue ribbons or clothes. Encourage
your friends and family to do so that people can show their support.
Make a Patriotic Pin. Instructions at: http://www.katu.com/special/attack/patriotic_pins.asp
Post an online message to all of the firefighters
and rescue workers. Read the messages sent by other people.
Activities for Children
Birth to 2 years
Activities for home: frequent cuddling,
caring, maintain routines, remain calm.
Preschool and Kindergarten
Activities for home or school: play acting,
physical contact, puppets, art, stories, large muscle movement (throwing
balls, etc.).
School Age (7 to 12 years)
Activities for home or school: play acting,
puppets, drawing and painting, sharing their experiences in groups, reading,
creative writing or discussion.
Middle School to High School
(12 to 18 years)
Activities at school: general classroom
activities, literature or reading, peer helpers, health class, art class,
speech/drama, social studies/government, history.
Ambuel B. Fast Fact and Concept #50. Disaster:
Coping with Tragedy. September, 2001. End-of-Life Physician Education Resource
Center http://www.eperc.mcw.edu
McGraw P. Seven Suggestions for this time of
Crisis http://www.oprah.com/tows/pastshows/tows_past_20010925_c.html
American Psychiatric Association. Coping
with a National Tragedy http://www.psych.org/public_info/copingwtragedy91301.cfm
Why Do I Feel Like This? http://www.redcross.org/services/disaster/keepsafe/terror.html
When Bad Things Happen http://www.redcross.org/services/disaster/keepsafe/badthings.html
Noll D, De Falco J. Fighting back: Ten things
you can do right now: Show your confidence
in the nation and our way of life http://www.msnbc.com/news/628351_asp.htm
Everly GS, Mitchell JT. America Under Attack:
The "10 Commandments" of Responding to Mass Terrorist Attacks. International
Journal of Emergency Mental Health. 2001 3(3) pp. 133-135.
National Institute of Mental Health. Helping
Children and Adolescents Cope with Violence and Disasters.
How Kids Can Help. http://libertyunites.org/kids.adp
Resources and Information:
Share your thoughts in the new Message Forum
on the Journey
Page posted October
7, 2001.
In Memory of all
those lost and forever missing from the events on September 11, 2001, the
day our world changed.
The ribbon art
was created by Alon Cohen. Available at: http://people.bu.edu/xrpnt/ribbons/
All material, unless
otherwise specified, is © 1997-2001 by Journey of Hearts A Healing
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