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Donating and Giving BackAs part of our mission to give back the NICU Parent Support Site donates to and supports organizations and hospitals that provide information, support and resources for NICU parents, families and children. This page lists the organizations we support as well as information for helping to spread the word and the support about the Free NICU eBook. It
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Giving Back - By Sharing the Support - PSSSTOne easy way of giving back is to share the support by passing on information about this Free NICU eBook. It doesn't cost anything to send an email or post a comment. (It might cost a bit to print out a copy to share.) If you have found it to be beneficial, encouraging or comforting to you in dealing with your NICU Journey, please take a moment to pass on the word about the Free NICU eBook to others.
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2. Email the information about this eBook (send an email about this webpage) to someone who may benefit, so they can download a copy themselves. http://www.nicuparentsupport.org/free_nicu-ebook.html 3. Post a comment or review on "For Those Who Hold the Littlest Hands" at http://www.squidoo.com/free-nicu-ebook. We are grateful to you for passing on the secret message of support. |
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Kirsti A. Dyer MD, MS, FT is a a respected physician, an expert in life challenges, loss, grief and bereavement, professional health educator, professor, lecturer and author. Dr. Dyer is the Domain Designer for the Journey of Hearts website, created in 1997 as the first and only physician-based website devoted to educating people about the normal grief response. Dr. Dyer is also a former NICU Parent, author of the e-Book My Baby's in the NICU: Now What? and founder of the NICU Parent Support Site, http://www.nicuparentsupport.org. The NICU Parent Support Site, Blog and eMail List were created to provide information, support, inspiration and resources for NICU Parents and Families. |