Physician, Health Educator, Professor, Life Challenges Expert, Lecturer and Author |
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About the AuthorBiography![]() She is a respected physician, grief & loss expert, professional health educator, professor, college instructor, lecturer and author. Dr. Dyer is a recognized Fellow in Thanatology: Death, Dying and Bereavement from the Association for Death Education and Counseling, a Fellow of the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, a Board Certified Expert in Bereavement Trauma and also in Traumatic Stress as well as a Nationally Certified Bereavement Facilitator. She has created and taught professional and graduate courses to physicians, nurses, psychologists, social workers, other health care providers, members of the clergy and spiritual advisors in the areas of grief, loss, bereavement, trauma and facing life challenges. In addition to her interests in grief, loss, bereavement and trauma, Dr. Dyer also has an active interest in wellness promotion. She is a Fellow of the American College of Wellness, a founding member of the Medical Wellness Association and also a member the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. Since having her second daughter in March 2002, Dr. Dyer has been on hiatus from practicing clinical medicine to be the primary caregiver for her two young daughters. During this time her emphasis has shifted to teaching In 2004 she was recruited to teach Nutrition and Wellness and joined the faculty of Columbia College as an Adjunct Instructor in the Biological Sciences Department where she currently teaches. In November 2006 Dr. Dyer joined the College of Nursing and Health at Madonna University as an Associate Adjunct Professor. She teaches online Bereavement Courses as part of the Hospice Graduate Education program's Certificate in Bereavement.NICU Presentations & Continuing Education CoursesGuest Speaker - Identifying, Understanding and Working with Grieving Parents in the NICU. First Annual Perinatal Conference, Hosted by March of Dimes Valley Division, Kaiser Permanente, Sutter Memorial Medical Center and Blue Cross of California, November 2005.Course Developer - Loss and Grief in the NICU: Understanding and Helping Grieving Parents. A Continuing Education (CE) course that explores the impact of grief and loss in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) setting. Available through NICU Solutions, July 2004 - 6. Featured Presenter - Grief and Loss in the Medical Setting. South Sacramento, Kaiser Permanente, CME Program. Ethics Forum. October 2002. Our NICU experiences were included as one of the clinical cases. Featured Video Case - Our NICU experiences were used as an example of blessings and healing at the beginning of life in "Spiritual Dimensions of Hospice Care: Blessings, Dreams and Storytelling." This Video was the first of a 3-part series produced by Kaiser Permanente for a 2002 Clinical Video Conference. The series is still available. ![]() Related NICU PublicationsDyer KA. My Baby's in the NICU: Now What? The Violet Heart™ Press. In publication, Summer 2007.Dyer KA. My NICU Baby's Dying: Now What? The Violet Heart™ Press. In publication, Fall 2007. Dyer KA. Section on Parental Grief, The Wounded Family, Perinatal Grief, Deaths and Bereavement, featured NICU losses. HSP 5200: Grieving Family System. Graduate Course in Bereavement Certificate Program. Hospice Education Department at Madonna University. Spring 2007. Dyer KA. For Those who Hold the Littlest Hands: Support and Suggestions for NICU/ICN Parents. Booklet/Brochure. 2005. Dyer KA. Identifying, Understanding, and Working with Grieving Parents in the NICU, Part II: Strategies. Neonatal Network. June/July 2005; 24: 27-40. Dyer KA. Identifying, Understanding, and Working with Grieving Parents in the NICU, Part I: Identifying and Understanding Loss and the Grief Response. Neonatal Network. May/June 2005; 24: 35-46. Dyer KA. Observing Mother's Day with Renewed Appreciation. June 2002. MomMD.com Available at: http://www.mommd.com/momsday.shtml Dyer KA. Observing Mother’s Day with Renewed Appreciation: Part I. Introduction. May 2002. Available at: http://journeyofhearts.org/resources/momday.html Dyer KA. Observing Mother’s Day with Renewed Appreciation: Part 2. Learning from Crisis. May 2002. Available at: http://journeyofhearts.org/resources/momday2.html Curriculum Vitae and Full Professional BioA listing of all of Dr. Dyer's publications relating to the topics of Grief, Loss, Bereavement, Trauma and Wellness can be viewed on her complete Curriculum Vitae. Her Full Professional Biography is also available for viewing at her personal website, Journey of Hearts.
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