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~ Emergency Pick-Me-Ups
Reading motivational quotes, inspirational stories
and listening to uplifting lyrics have nearly always helped to pick up
my spirits during times I was feeling low. This is illustrated by the liberal
use of quotations, poems and stories within Journey of Hearts ™.
Sometimes, all that I needed was the right quote, poem, song or inspirational
message at the crucial moment to help shift a bad mood into a better one,
help provide some needed perspective on a loss or life crisis and aid during
the times when I felt that:
I need to feel better...NOW!!
The Emergency Pick-Me-Up Section uses encouragement,
motivation and humor to provide inspiration, support and pick-me-ups. It
consists of a variety of different Grief
AIDEs—poems, songs, expressions, stories, quotes, articles and
images selected to brighten the day, soothe the heart and lift the spirit.
Many of the pick-me-ups are resources and "favorite things" that have helped
others feel better. There are other links for "Thing to Do" and "Ways of
Coping" focusing on volunteering as a way of healing, recognizing that
by making someone else feel better:
If you want to lift yourself
up, lift up someone else.
Humor is included in part because this was a resource
that I rely heavily upon for coping with the stressors of medicine and
in part because I believe that: "Laugher is the best medicine." It is our
hope that the Emergency Pick-Me-Up section will help to lift visitors spirits
and spread some happiness. If we can provide a bit of light or humor to
an otherwise dismal day, then with luck that
One Joy may scatter
a thousand griefs.
It is our intention that Journey of Hearts ™
be haven of hope, a place of peace, a light in the darkness and a source
of inspiration and hope to remind the grieving Internet community that
grief is a powerful, universal experience, but it is survivable.
Journey of Hearts ™
...a light in the darkness.
If you are feeling like you may need more soothing
words, words of condolence or inspiration, rather than words of joy, happiness,
humor and hope, then please see the Condolence
and Deepest Sympathy Section.
When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.
Charles Beard
The rainbow
is © by Maryann Sterling at Maryann's
Art and used within the copyright guidelines of the artist.
See the Emergency
911 Page for links to immediate resources
if you are feeling helpless,
hopeless, overwhelmingly depressed, or suicidal.
| A Healing Place
| Loss & Grief
| Emergency Pick-Me-Ups
| Condolence & Sympathy
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| Transitional Medicine
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