September 2002
August 2002
July 2002
June 2002
May 2002
April 2002
March 2002
February 2002
January 2002
December 2001
November 2001
October 2001
September 2001
August 2001
May 2001
April 2001
March 2001
February 2001
December 2000
October 2000
August 2000
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What's New on Journey
of Hearts?
~ January 2002 - February 2003
page is designed to let visitors to this site find the newest sections, including
the latest articles, poems and information about Journey of Hearts as it is added
to the site. The new entries are listed in reverse order, with the latest
additions or changes to the site at the top.
July 2003
Better Email to Tell A Friend - We corrected a couple of things to ensure that the emails sent by the "Tell a Friend"
link at the bottom of every page will be properly formatted. In the past, some emails didn't have
anything in the Subject line. It's a small improvement, but hopefully one that will allow visitors to feel more
confident about using the "Tell A Friend" feature.
February 2003
Loss of Columbia Space Shuttle - As with so many others, our thoughts and prayers go out to the families, friends, colleagues and co-workers of the seven astronauts who were lost today.
We have compiled a listing of helpful resources from the Journey of Hearts TM
Dealing with
Sudden, Accidental or Traumatic Death - this article originally written in the aftermath of September 11, 2001 and used as a handout for presentation to the California Maritime Academy provides some basic information to help in at least understanding our responses to sudden loss. It also provides some basics on coping and how to help the survivors.
A Letter to Help Children Cope with Tragedy
- perhaps the most poignant and applicable article written by Kathie Scobee Fulgham, daughter of Commander Dick Scobee and one of the children survivors of the Challenger Tragedy.
Her open letter to the youngest victims of the terrorist acts, now unforuntately resonates with the loss of the Columbia Space Shuttle.
Helping a Grieving Child or Teen
- this article comprises some of the information originally written in the aftermath of September 11, 2001.
It provides some basic information and links to other information to help children cope with tragedy.
Helping a Grieving Adult
- this article provides some basic information and links to other information to help adults in coping with tragedy.
9-11: United in Courage & Grief
- this series of articles originally written in the aftermath of September 11, 2001 looks at a variety of topics including "Why does my heart feel so bad?" "Health concerns for Witnesses" and ways of "Creatively dealing with Grief."
A Better Place - written in memory of a young girl lost suddenly in an accident.
In Memory of You - one of the early poems for the site written in memory of several dear friends who's deaths served as the initial inspiration for creating this site.
The Messenger - written to provide some solace and soothing words
to a family friend and patient who had recently lost their spouses. This poem has been shared with others who have lost spouses tragically. The Messenger" was featured in several different resources to help
people cope in the aftermath of September 11.
Life Goes On - written in memory of those lost on September 11, 2001.
Prayers, Quotations, Solace & Inspiration:
Prayers from 9-11 - this compilation of prayers, particularly the latter section on "General Prayers - Adversity, Peace" offers some prayers during this time of crisis.
Quotations from 9-11 - this compilation of quotations looks at the grief response, pain & suffering, mourning, transition and the journey through grief. Even though compiled in the aftermath of September 11, the quotations still are applicable in this situation in helping us understand the intensity of the emotions and the journey one takes through grief.
Quotations: From Loss Through Transition to Healing- this compilation of quotations looks at the grief response and the progression from loss through transition to finally reaching healing. The beginning sections may only be appropriate in the early phases of the grief response; the healing section read later.
Words of Solace- a listing of links to soothing, helpful words from the original webpages.
Words of Inspiration- a listing of links to Inspiring words from the original webpages.
November 2002
Search Engine is Functioning - The Search Engine is finally working. The display requires a bit of polishing and
fine tuning to ensure that different browsers can display search results correctly.
We hope you will find it helpful to search the contents of Journey of Hearts TM
for resources containing a particular word or phrase.
Redesign Update - We have been very busy and the redesign is taking longer
than initially anticipated, since the site is done in our free-time. We anticipate getting some new resources onto the site in the next week or two.
September 2002
September 11th Resources - September 11th - One
Year Later - Thoughts and reflections on how this incident has impacted
on my life.
Poem - Life Goes On -
A poem partially written in the early days following September 11, 2001,
just recently rediscovered and finished in time for the year anniversary.
Surviving Tragedy - September
11, 2001 - From a new section of the
site "On Surviving" the recent public example of tragedy.
A Healing Place, Rising from Ashes
- Images of the phoenix created and used in the aftermath of the September
11th tragedy. The image used by Librarian and passionate part-time artist,
Felice Sacks, as part of her silk screen interpreative print created for
the Corcoran Art School of the September 11th tragedy.
Known Uses of Journey of Hearts Resources for
September 11, 2001:
Excerpt from the poem, "Blaze"
used by Librarian and passionate part-time artist, Felice Sacks, as part
of her silk screen print created for the Corcoran Art School in Washington,
DC. The theme was Fear, Fate and Faith or the artists' interpretations of the
September 11th tragedy. A picture of his image can be seen at "Rising
from Ashes."
Journey of Hearts Poem "The Messenger" was
featured in several different resources to help people cope in the aftermath
of September 11. Unfortunately it was frequently quoted "Anonymously" and
did not include a reference to our website.
- "The Messenger" poem is one of the "Poems &
Prayers" included on the NYFD Widows Message and Support Board.
- "The Messenger" was also featured in the October
2001 Newsletter from the Amelia Center in the newsletter devoted to the
aftermath of the September 11, 2001 tragedy.
Use of graphics in a pamphlet of disaster awareness
for Catholic parish leaders.
Use of collection of 9-11 poems & lyrics.
August 2002
Redesign Update - The redesign process of the Journey of Hearts site continues.
At this point, we estimate that the site is more than 85 % updated. The redesign process is temporarily on hold as we are in the process of moving. We hope to finalize all of the information and updates to the site by the end of September.
July 2002
About this Site - Section Updated - With the
completion of the Comments, Thanks
and In Memory pages, this section of the
site is finally updated.
About this Site - Comments - Over the years
Journey of Hearts TM
has received personal e-mail notes expressing heart-felt commendations and
positive notes of thanks, praise and gratitude from numerous visitors to
the site for having created this Internet resource. These comments help
to sustain me on the days when I wonder if we are helping and/or making
a difference.
About this Site - Dedication & Heartfelt Thanks
- This page includes a new dedication for the revised version of Journey
of Hearts ™ along with the Heartfelt
Thanks to the many who have made this site possible
About this Site - In Memory - Journey of Hearts ™
would never have been created without the losses (primarily through death)
of several special friends, family members, and patients who were my early
teachers about loss and the grief process. In the 5 years on the Internet,
there have been other significant deaths of loved ones and close friends,
as well as unspeakable tragedies that serve to reinforce the need for a
site devoted to grief and loss.
About this Site - Special Poetry Tributes -
New for this revision, a page that includes many of the special poems written in memory of or inspired by
friends, family and/or patients that have been lost, usually to death. These poems are included as part of the "In Memory" tribute.
June 2002
About this Site - Awards - The awards section
has been updated and streamlined for the revised version of Journey
of Hearts. ™ Included is a
Journey of Hearts ™
Award Highlights page as well as the overall listing of the Awards
for Journey of Hearts. ™
Due to the dotcom demise many Internet Companies that we received
awards from are no longer in existence and the original links are no longer
working. However, this does not diminish the awards given in good faith
for recognized excellence in websites during a time of enthusiasm, excitement
and good-will on the Internet.
May 2002
Article, Resource Section - Observing
Mother's Day with Renewed Appreciation - Mother’s Day 2002 is a
month to the day Kristiina was discharged from the hospital. I have shared
some reflections and insights regarding the recent medical crisis that
we faced with the birth of my second daughter. This year I celebrated with
a renewed sense of gratitude and appreciation of life, very thankful for
both of my girls.
Redesign Update - At this point, we estimate
that the site is more than 80 % updated. In addition many pages of useful
new information, resources and articles have been included within this
redesigned site. We encourage visitors to look around the site for information
with one caution. Some of the links go to older pages from the original
Journey of Hearts ™ site. On
these older pages the links on these pages may no longer be active.
Crisis Update - We are slowly adjusting to
having a newborn at home. Kristiina is doing well and a this point there
appear to be no major problems or complications following her surprise
ICN admission. We are thankful for the thoughts, prayers and blessing
said for her and for us during this difficult crisis.
April 2002
Redesign Update - Our daughter Kristiina
Anna Mia Thompson was born 3/29/02 via an elective C-section. She was
9 lbs. 13 oz 21 1/4 in at birth. Soon after her birth, she went into respiratory
distress, resulting in a transfer from the newborn nursery into the Intensive
Care Nursery, ultimately resulting in a transfer to UCSF early Easter morning.
Kristiina was discharged to home, 4/12/02, greatly improved. In light of
this personal life crisis and the full-time demands of a new infant at home, the redesign is on hold for a bit. We hope to
finalize the updates and redesign to the site soon.
Inspirational Story, Resource Section On
Facing Adversity - Sent by my sister
Kati, in the midst of Kristiina's hospitalization, a way of assessing how
one deals with crisis—as a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean. We would like
to think we are like the coffee bean—when things are at their worst, we
change the situation around us, rather than being changed by or hardened
to the situation.
A Healing Blesing, A
Healing Place - Written for Kristiina
Anna Mia Thompson during her UCSF ICN (Intensive Care Nursery) stay. Shared
in Kristiina's honor in the hopes that the blessing will help those hospitalized—ICN
babies and others—in their healing and recovery process. This healing blessing
was placed over her ICN bed on 4/4/02 where it remained until she was discharged
to home, greatly improved, on 4/12/02.
March 2002
Article, Transitioning
into a New Life - This article
offers some questions for the grieving person to ponder that may be help
in learning how to deal with loss, crisis or significant change, and aid
in the transition to a new life.
Article, Thoughts
on "Letting Go" New Paradigm for Grief for the 21st Century -
This article explores the changing of traditional views on grief and the
"letting go" process. It was originally part of the syllabus created
for the Professional Course on the "Somatic Aspects of Loss & Grief"
offered in summer 2001 through the University of California Berkeley Extension.
Article, On "Letting
Go" - While the current thinking about the concept of "letting
go" has changed, there are certain types of losses, situations and circumstances
in which the concept of "letting go" does apply and can be help the grieving
person "let go" accept and integrate the loss.
to Help a Grieving Child or Teen - Loss, Change & Grief& Section
- New for the redesign ten articles to
help a grieving child or adolescent including: Myths About Children and
Loss, Children, Adolescents & Grief, Helping Children Cope with Loss,
Helping Children Cope with Death, Helping Children to Cope with Tragedy,
A Letter to the Youngest Victims of the Terrorist Attack, How to Talk with
Children, Children & Adolescent Reactions by Age, Coping Strategies
for Children, When To Seek Professional Help and a link to additional resources.
Medical Internet, Resource Section - A new
section for the resources. The Medical
Internet page contains articles, presentations and information
on several of the issues we have determined to be of concern in dealing
with the Medical Internet namely using the Internet for Web-education,
the emerging field of Medical Internet Ethics, and using the Internet for
obtaining Medical Information.
About the Redesign - The
Redesign page describes the idea, the scope
of the project, the process and the changes being implemented, or still
to be implemented on Journey of Hearts .™
Site Map: Navigating Journey of Hearts ™
- The Site Map provides some
help for visitors in navigating the 8 major sections and several hundred
of pages to locate the types of information or resources they are interested
in finding.
Navigation Suggestions for Visitors/Users -
The Navigation section highlights the available
resources on Journey of Hearts ™
suggested for specific types of visitors: grieving users, friends, family
members & co-workers, general users, and professionals. Some of the
links go to the major section in which the information can be found. Other
links go specifically to an article or the resource.
Updated Griefdoc, About the Site - The
Grief Doc page provides information, including certifications and
background in the emerging field of grief, loss and bereavement and traumatic
stress, employment and education history, a listing of publications relating
to grief, loss and bereavement. This page has been updated to reflect the
latest lecturing, teaching and presentations as well as the most current
professional photo.
Article, Nature Awareness - This article "Nature
Awareness as a Therapeutic Modality" was originally one of the supplemental
articles used in the CME lecture "Healing from Grief: Using a Website,
Color, Writing, Poetry & Wilderness" presented December 27, 2000. The
article has been updated and included on this website, divided into two
sections Part 1: The Healing Qualities
of Nature and Part 2: Coping with
Loss Using Nature.
- Our 9-11: United in Courage and Grief section on Resources is listed as one of the
resources in the Forbes.com Best of the Web Directory - Spring 2002 under Health: Coping with Trauma.
Presentations - Handouts and supplemental
articles for the CME lecture "Healing from
Grief: Using a Website, Color, Writing, Poetry & Wilderness"
and the recent "How to Cope with Loss, Grief,
Death & Dying-- Professionally & Personally" have been
added to the site.
Butterflies & Blazes Section - New material
has been added for the new version of the site, including a more complete
explanation about the symbolism used for the site, a variety of inspirational
quotes on butterflies, courage, change and hope and an updated version
of the Soaring™ concept which now reflects more of the current thinking
on grief theory. With the exception of the images, which will be added
as A Healing Place is developed, this section has been completely revised.
Redesign Update - Return of www.kirstimd.com
- This URL has been reactivated and visitors accessing this URL will be
redirected to the www.journeyofhearts.org. With the redesign the official
URL is now www.journeyofhearts.org. Bookmarks should be updated to reflect
this change. We hope to have the majoriey of the information updated, or
linked to pages from the old site by the end of March, when will be taking
a maternity leave break from the site.
February 2002
Article, On Medical Training - "Ten
Years Later: Scrambling was Not the End of the World: Finding Opportunity
in Apparent Adversity" For the tenth year anniversary of this event,
I decided to reconsider an article that I had written about the experience
in 1993, "It’s Not the End of the World" and see how I was affected by
this unlucky life event for me. I was motivated to revisit the article
for the MomMD.com website, to provide encouragement for a new generation
of medical students.
Lecture - Dr. Dyer lectured February 7, 2002
on "How to Cope with Loss, Grief, Death & Dying-- Professionally &
Personally" for the California Maritime Academy (California State
University, Maritime) in the Social Science course on "Dying: The Final
Stage of Living."Course objectives and links to handouts used are available at:
Redesign Update - Journey of Hearts Migrates.
On February 1, 2002 with the change in our web hosting sites this new and slowly improving
version goes live. This also resulted in www.journeyofhearts.org finally becoming the
primary URL for the website. At this point the www.kirstimd.com URL is currently inactive.
February 15 Update - We are still in the process of linking all of the old, familiar material
within the sections of the new site version. As of this point the www.kirstimd.com URL is still inactive.
We are working to re-establish it primarily for e-mail purposes only. All bookmarks should be updated to the
www.journeyofhearts.org site.
January 2002
Presentation/Lecture - Now
available through the Supercourse,
Challenges of the Medical and Healthcare Internet.” The original
version of this presentation “Medical Internet Ethics: A Field in Evolution”
was prepared for the Medinfo 2001 conference. The Supercourse
is the international, innovative Global Health Network maintained by an
international faculty and housed online by the University of Pittsberg's
Graduate School of Public Health.
Award - Editor's Choice Award from HealingWell.com
, a community and information resource created to help people on their way to "healing well."
This award is reserved for select health web sites that exhibit 1) exceptional web design, 2) reliable and
quality health information on disease and disorder topics, and 3) patient accessibility and support.
Blessings & Season's Greetings - Light
a Candle of Hope in the New Year -
This blessing was written as part of a Holiday Ceremony that I created
for two of my dear friends to help them find hope in the New Year.
Use of Journey of Hearts Resources
Four Journey of Hearts Poems - “Darkness,” “In Memory
of You,” “A Better Place,” and “Downpour” are scheduled to be published
later this year in ABC's of Grief: A Handbook for Survivors by Christine
A. Adams. The poems are used for emphasis or variety.
The article on the “Importance of Telling and Listening
to the Story” is scheduled to used as a handout for a workshop called “Mediating
the Emotional Case, Dealing with Issues Near and Dear to the Heart” to
be given by Elaine Talley and Gail Nugent at the American Bar Association
(ABA) Alternative Dispute Resolution Conference in April.
Redesign Update - The new, updated and
improved version of the Journey of Hearts site goes live the end of January!
The What's New? section will focus on the new pages added
to the site, rather than including all of the updated materials. One of
the biggest changes is the logical introduction of new section "A
Healing Place." This new section contains images, quotes, prayers
and poems for visitors to just sit, reflect and experiencing as a
calming and/or inspirational site resource.
To have ideas is to gather flowers; to think, is to weave them into garlands.
Anne Sophie
See the Emergency
911 Page for links to immediate resources
if you are feeling helpless,
hopeless, overwhelmingly depressed, or suicidal.
| A Healing Place
| Loss & Grief
| Emergency Pick-Me-Ups
| Condolence & Sympathy
What's New?
| Resources
| Transitional Medicine
| Butterflies & Blazes
About this Site
| Terms of Use
| Privacy Policy
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