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of Transitional Medicine
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Quotations From Loss Through Transition to Healing
These collected quotes have been edited together
in a healing sequence to take the reader from loss, through transition,
to healing. The sequence more eloquently conveys the underlying meaning
in Transitional Medicine.
From Loss...
To understand any living
thing, you must creep within
and feel the beating
of its heart.
W. Macneile
It is only with
the heart that one can see rightly:
What is essential is
invisible to the eye.
Antoine de
God will only
mend a broken heart
when He is given all
the pieces.

When it seems
that our sorrow is too great to be borne,
let us think of the great
family of the heavy-hearted
into which our grief
has given us entrance, and inevitably,
we will feel about us,
their arms and their
Helen Keller

If all our misfortunes
were laid in one common heap,
whence everyone must
take an equal portion,
most people would be
contented to take their own
and depart.
Tears are the safety
valve of the heart when too much pressure is laid on.
Albert Smith
In spite of everything,
I still believe people are really good at heart.
Anne Frank
I will open my
heart in trust that,
in ways I do not now
my loved one will continue
to be present in my life.
Martha Whitmore
Learn to get
in touch with silence within yourself
and know that everything
in this life has a purpose.
There are no mistakes,
no coincidences.
All events are blessings
given to us to learn from.
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
The comfort of
having a friend may be taken away
but not that of having
had one.
There is in every
heart a spark of heavenly fire
which lies dormant in
the broad daylight of prosperity,
but which kindles up
and beams
and blazes in the dark
hour of adversity.
The Divine Alchemist
can miraculously change a sorrowing heart of lead
into a golden mellowness
that sings praises through tears.
S.L. McMillen
The most minute
transformation is like a pebble dropped into a still lake.
The ripples spread out
In the deserts of
the heart,
Let the healing fountain
W.H. Auden
In the depth
of winter,
I finally realized that
deep within me there lay
an invincible summer.
Albert Camus
To Healing
There is a light
in this world,
a healing spirit
more powerful than any
darkness we may encounter.
We sometime lose sight
of this force
when there is suffering,
and too much pain.
Then suddenly,
the spirit will emerge
through the lives of
ordinary people who hear a call
and answer in extraordinary
Mother Teresa
Great thoughts come
from the heart.
Marquis de
Joy runs deeper than
Corrie ten
Sorrows come to stretch
out spaces in the heart—for joy.
Edwin Markham
In the sharing of
our losses, our hearts grow stronger.
Kirsti A. Dyer,
Joy is a net
of love by which your can catch souls...
A joyful heart is the
inevitable result of a heart burning with love.
Mother Teresa
When we are mindful,
deeply in touch with
the present moment,
Our understanding of
what is going on deepens,
and we begin to be filled
acceptance, joy, peace
and love.
Thich Nhat
Without love
and kindness
life is cold, selfish
and uninteresting
and leads to distaste
for everything.
With kindness,
the difficult becomes
the obscure clear;
life assumes a charm
and it's miseries are softened.
If we knew the power
of kindness.
we should transform the
world into a paradise.
Charles Wagner
The effect of one
good-hearted person is incalculable.
Oscar Arias
You give but
little when you give of your possessions.
It is when you give of
yourself, that you truly give.
Kahlil Gibran
I have found
the paradox that if I love until it hurts,
Then there is no hurt,
but only more love.
Mother Teresa
The best and
most beautiful things in the world
cannot be seen or even
They must be felt with
the heart.
Hellen Keller
Love is the one
ingredient of which our world never tires
and of which there is
never an abundance.
It is needed in the marketplace
and in the mansions.
It is needed in the ghettos
and in the governments.
It is needed in homes,
in hospitals, and in individual hearts.
The world will never
outgrow its need for love.
C. Neil Strait
Love is Indestructible.
It's Holy Flame Forever
From Heaven it came,
to Heaven Returneth.
Robert Southey
We cannot do
great things.
We can only do small
things with great love.
Mother Teresa
Nothing is impossible,
to the willing heart.
Thomas Heywood
Other Quotes
The collected Quotes
have been edited together in a healing sequence to take the reader from
loss, through transition, to healing. This sequence
more elloquently conveys the underlying purpose of Transitional
Medicine. The topics chosen—transition, transformation and
surviving—depict the essence of the Transitional
Medicine and represent three of emotions used in surviving
a loss and emerging with a new life. Follow the links below for the specific
quotation pages.
Extraordinary things
can be accomplished by a healing heart.
Kirsti A. Dyer,
See the Emergency
911 Page for links to immediate resources
if you are feeling helpless,
hopeless, overwhelmingly depressed, or suicidal.
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