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~ Articles about Journey of Hearts ~
A variety of articles have been written and presentations
have made over the years of creating and maintaining the Journey of Hearts
Website. Some of the articles have been based on research, experiences
with and observations made about the site. Others have been more educational
and informative. Several were written about Journey of Hearts to let Internet
users know of the sites existence. Additionally, many of the papers wrtten
about Journey of Hearts have been presented
at a variety of conferences.
The articles are listed here in reverse chronological
order with links to the abstract, online citation or full article (when
available) for those who are interested.
Supercourse, University of Pittsberg - "Ethical
Challenges on the Medical and Healthcare Internet." Available at: http://www.pitt.edu/~super1/lecture/lec4801/index.htm
This lecture is a revised version of the Medinfo presentation.
Medinfo 2001, Tenth World Congress on Health and
Medical Informatics, September 2001 - London, England. Paper "Medical
Internet Ethics: A Field in Evolution." Abstract available at: Medinfo
2001. Powerpoint of presentation available online at: http://www.jmir.org/2001/2/e23/appendix-dyer.ppt

Publication in Journal of Medical Internet
Research, June 2001 - Article on "Ethical
Challenges of Medicine and Health on the Internet: A Review" Full article
available at: http://www.jmir.org/2001/2/e23/index.htm

Medicine, Ethics & Informatics, March 2001
- This web resource was prepared Winter Quarter 2001 as a project for the
Oregon Health Sciences MINF 528 Course, Advanced Topics in Medical Informatics.
Dr. Dyer authored this resource with fellow graducate student Ella Epshteyn.
Available at: MINF 528.
AMIA (American Medical Informatics Association)
Annual Symposium, November 2000 - Converging Information, Technology
and Health Care, Los Angeles, CA. Poster "Journey of Hearts: A Web Site
for Web-education on Grief, Loss & Depression." Abstract available
at: AMIA 2000.
Online Newsletter, Spiritual Sisters of the Internet
Cafe, October 2000 - "Journey of Hearts." This version is the longer
version submitted to them when requested for an article about the website.
Available at: Spiritual Sisters.
ITCH (Information Technology in Community Health),
August 2000 - University of Victoria, School of Information Health
Sciences - Paper "Journey of Hearts: From Idea to Reality." Full article
available at: http://itch.uvic.ca/itch2000/DYER/DYER.htm

Publication in CyberPsychology and Behavior,
2000 - Article on "Internet Use for Web-education
on the Overlooked Areas of Grief and Loss." Abstract available at: CyberPsychology
Mednet 99, The World Congress for the Internet
in Medicine - Heidelberg, Germany. Paper "Lessons & Insights Learned from Creating
a Unique Integrative Medical Website for Web-education." Full article available at:
National Association for Poetry Therapy - Museletter,
March 1999. "Journey of Hearts™ website offers resources to cope with loss."
Full article available at: Museletter.
Mednet 98, The World Congress for the Internet
in Medicine - London, England. Electronic Poster "Using the Internet
for Patient and Physician Web-education and Health Promotion." Full article
available at: Mednet 98.
Online Article "How the Internet is Changing
the Practice of Medicine." June 1998. Available at: Med Online
Newspaper Article, The California Aggie, April
1998. "WebPage Helps Ease Pain of Personal Tragedy." Available at: Aggie.
Newspaper Article, Contra Costa Times, March
1998. "Healing over the Internet." Available at: Contra
The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth.
John F.Kennedy
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