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~ A Dedication & Heartfelt
Thanks ~
Dedication of Journey of Hearts ™
The revised Journey
of Hearts ™ website is dedicated
to my husband Cole & my two young daughters, Kaarina & Kristiina, who bring me joy daily &
show me by their presence & love that good things can & do happen
to those who have survived loss.
Heartfelt Thanks
This page is also a special thanks to the many
over the nearly 5 years who have helped make Journey of Hearts ™
go from just an idea and a dream and turn into a reality.
Thanks for Enabling the Redesign
I am grateful to Dr. Zoë Stavri from Oregon
Health Sciences University for approving the redesign of this web resource
as my class project for the 2001 MINF520 course in Consumer Healthcare
Informatics. The ability to devote the much needed redesign of the site
for academic credit, gave me the time and the imput that I needed to undertake
the monumental task.
I am indebted to my fellow graduate students Ron,
Judy, Kathleen and Margaret along with several trusted friends who served
as the first reviewers helping provide us with critical feedback via the
usability study we conducted in the crucial early period of the redesign
Thanks to Our Visitors
Without the input, the quotes, stories, resources,
and most of all support from the many visitors to this site, when my belief
in the ability to pull this site together faltered, this site would never
have been developed. The many notes of thanks and positive comments about
the site sustain me whenever I start to doubt if we are making a difference.
The email comments from our visitors continue to confirm the need to keep
this web resource going as long as it is helping.
Thanks to Our Contributors
Early in the planning stages it became apparent,
that I had many friends and colleagues who had experienced their own unique
grief or loss experience. From these people I started collecting resources
that had helped them in their healing process. Journey of Hearts ™
is a consolidation of a variety of resources, losses and suggestions from
friends, family, colleagues, patients, patient's family members, and visitors
to the site—who are have all experienced and therefore are united by loss.
From this diverse group (along with my own resources) come many of the
resources, the articles, the poems, the quotes, the pictures, the photos,
and the stories comprising Journey of Hearts. ™
In many ways my initial role was as a conduit through which this information
was processed and found its way online.
A special thanks you goes to the many who have
contributed their resources and shared their healing stories with the Journey
of Hearts ™ website. A web resource
such as Journey of Hearts ™ would
not have the breadth and depths of information without the assistance and
the collective experiences from our many contributors.
Thanks to my Computer Guy
A special thanks to my computer guru—Unix, Perl,
Microsoft NT, Linux—my husband, Cole, who kept urging me to do something
combining medicine and computers. With him around as a safety net and providing
more of the technical capabilities, I felt more confident in trying and
experimenting with creating content for the Internet. We discovered my
dormant Finnish computer "genes" flourished, nurtured by the creative elements
of web design—combining computers with medical information and the creative
graphic elements. (The Finland is home of the Linux operating system and
the Finns are known for being some of the world's best computer "hackers.")
With the experience gained over the years of designing
and maintaining this website, I am half way through a graduate degree in
medical informatics (the field where computers meet medicine) from Oregon
Health Sciences University. With the experience from this website and the
exposure to medicine over the several years we have been married, my computer
spouse now works as a Senior Web Administrator for Kaiser Permanente.
Thanks to the Non-believers
I especially want to thank those who never believed
in me over the years. Their lack of faith in my abilities and unique talents
pushed me to strive farther and achieve even higher goals.
We must love them both--
those whose opinions
we share, and those whose opinions we reject.
For both have labored
in the search for truth
and both have helped
us in the finding of it.
St. Thomas
Thanks to the Dreamers
Rather than listening to those who told us it
couldn't be done, I followed what my heart was telling me that a web resource
for those grieving a loss was needed. Somehow I remained true to my own path:
When you follow your
doors will open where
you thought there could not be doors,
and where there wouldn't
be a door for anyone else.
Joseph Campbell
I started collecting inspirational quotes surrounded
myself with positive thoughts I chose to follow the inspiration of many
dreamers, such as Walt Disney:
Somehow I can't
believe that there are any heights that can't be scaled by a man who knows
the secrets of making dreams come true. This special secret, it seems to
me, can be summarized in four C's. They are curiosity, confidence, courage,
and constancy, and the greatest of all is confidence. When you believe
in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable.
If you can dream it,
you can do it.
All our dreams can come
if we have the courage
to pursue them.
Walt Disney
Many, many hours later (by our estimates over
3,000 in the first two years), many late nights and the site was created.
With a bit of imagination, help from my friends, and a few sleepless nights
in the hospital during the early planning phases, which allowed the creative
element to emerge over the scientific one, and the Journey of Hearts ™ website
was created.
The Internet has seen many changes and the demise
of many websites in the 5 years the Journey of Hearts ™
website has been involved as a web resource. Thanks to the supporters and
the dreamers, we have done just what we set out to do—create an international
web resource that is there any time to help people on their journey of
Life's like a movie,
write your own ending,
Keep believing, keep
We've done just what
we set out to do.
Thanks to the lovers,
the dreamers and you.
Paul Williams and Kenny
Rainbow Image is from Mary Ann
Sterling and use with permission.
See the Emergency
911 Page for links to immediate resources
if you are feeling helpless,
hopeless, overwhelmingly depressed, or suicidal.
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