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~ Presentations about Journey of Hearts ~
A variety of presentations and/or lectures have
been made and articles have been written
over the years of creating and maintaining the Journey of Hearts Website.
Many of the papers wrtten about Journey of Hearts have been presented at
a variety of medical conferences. Some of the presentations have been based
on research and observations made about the site. Others have been more
educational and informative, meeting CME (Continuing Medical Education)
The presentations are included here in reverse
chronological order with links to available accompanying text information
e.g. the abstract, online citation or full article (when available).
Guest Lecture, California Maritime Academy, February
2002 - "How to Cope with Loss, Grief,
Death & Dying—Professionally & Personally" for the California State
University, Maritime Social Science course on "Dying: The Final Stage of
Living." Course objectives and links to handouts used are available at:
Supercourse, University of Pittsberg - "Ethical
Challenges on the Medical and Healthcare Internet." This lecture is a revised version of the Medinfo presentation. Available at: http://www.pitt.edu/~super1/lecture/lec4801/index.htm
Medical Grand Rounds, Kaiser Permanente, November
2001 - "Identifying Loss(es) and the Grief Response in our Patients."
Course objectives available at: Kaiser.
Medinfo 2001, Tenth World Congress on Health and
Medical Informatics, September 2001 - London, England. Paper "Medical
Internet Ethics: A Field in Evolution." Abstract available at: Medinfo
2001. Powerpoint of presentation available online at: http://www.jmir.org/2001/2/e23/appendix-dyer.ppt

Somatic Aspects of Loss and Grief, August 2001
University of California Berkeley Extension, Professional Sequence on the
Study of Loss and Grief. Course objectives available at: U.C.
AMSA (American Medical Student Association) 51st
Annual Convention, March 2001 - "Dealing with Death and Dying
in Medical Education and Practice." Resources used for presentation available
at: AMSA: Death & Dying
Creativity and Madness, Psychological Studies
of Art and Artists, December 2000 - Sponsored by the American Institute
of Medical Education - Maui, Hawaii - CME Lecture on "Healing from Grief
Using a Website, Color, Writing, Poetry and Wilderness Therapy." Course
objectives available at: AIMED.
AMIA (American Medical Informatics Association)
Annual Symposium, November 2000 - Converging Information, Technology
and Health Care, Los Angeles, CA. Poster "Journey of Hearts: A Web Site
for Web-education on Grief, Loss & Depression." Abstract available
at:AMIA 2000.
ITCH (Information Technology in Community Health),
August 2000 - University of Victoria, School of Information Health
Sciences - Paper "Journey of Hearts: From Idea to Reality." Full article
available at: http://itch.uvic.ca/itch2000/DYER/DYER.htm

Mednet 99, The World Congress for the Internet
in Medicine - Heidelberg, Germany. Paper "Lessons & Insights Learned from Creating
a Unique Integrative Medical Website for Web-education." Full article available
at: Mednet 99.
Mednet 98, The World Congress for the Internet
in Medicine - London, England. Electronic Poster "Using the Internet
for Patient and Physician Web-education and Health Promotion." Full article
available at: Mednet
The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth.
John F.Kennedy
See the Emergency
911 Page for links to immediate resources
if you are feeling helpless,
hopeless, overwhelmingly depressed, or suicidal.
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