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Comments About Journey of Hearts TM
From 2000 - Part 1
The comments below are just some sent to Journey
of Hearts TM
I have found your site to
be very helpful so far. I have told my friends of your site and I
hope that they to will visit it.
Congratulations on a brilliant site. I am nearly
7 years post bone marrow transplant for NHL. I now facilitate & co-ordinate
volunteers & carers who have been through this journey. We go in pairs
& visit patients going through a transplant or dealing with a blood
disorders & are inpatients in acute care units. As well as the visits
we offer telephone counselling, we are all trained in basic counselling
I write a newsletter to the volunteers & in
need of ongoing inspiration for myself & for them, your pages are giving
me that.
I have found very few Drs with a gift of communicating
& listening, I am trying to spread the word & attend training days
for medical students set up by my own GP, their techniques are videoed
& hopefully getting them in the early stages of their careers will
make an impact down the line.
Keep up the good work
Rhondda (Australia)
Westmead in Sydney NSW
Hi there!
I ran into this site looking for the words to
Sarah's song 'In the Arms of the Angel'! I was shocked at the amount
of support I saw here, and have bookmarked this site! Its lovely!
I thoroughly enjoyed the site!
Thanks Much.
Robin Lee
You were there at my worst moment.
My wife of 49 years died on Dec. 2, 1999.
I found your pages while seeking help on the internet. I spent the
rest of the next night reading and printing out those messages which pulled
me through the next 30 days of my grief stricken existence. Now 6
weeks after her death I read those messages of hope, poems and when the
tears are heaviest, they lift me out of my depression. Thank you
for being there your site pulled me through the night and continues to
be there for me.
Part 2: I should include your site as the third
resource for help because its only a flick of the switch away in those
moments when I break up at home with no place to turn.
Bob Rosenblum
I just thought I would let you know how colorful
and lifting your site is. My husband died Aug. of 99 and I am trying
to survive. I have our daughter, so thank God for her. I see
no purpose for my living now, but I know I must keep going until I see
I reason for my being here. Anymore, I spend hours surfing the net
trying to find words or something to help me, something to give me hope.
Your site is very cheery and many of the things you have posted brought
a smile or tears. All that is healthy, or so they tell me.
Anyway thanks, I appreciate all the work you have put into this.
Thank you
Rosa Chang
I found your site on iWon.com & decided out of
curiosity to check it out. I am very glad that I did.
I lost my last grandparent the week after xmas.
My neighbor/friend lost her sister to cancer last week, after having lost
her mother to cancer last year. I know 2 people who have children who's
cancer has fallen out of remission, & I face that same horrible possibility
myself. I thought I might find some stories & poems of hope & inspiration
to pass on to the people who need them the most right now, & I can't
wait to pass on the info of this website to friends with internet access!
My son who just turned 5 last month was diagnosed
with Leukemia shortly before his 2nd birthday. While this was devastating
to us, he was quickly in remission & we had high hopes for the future.
I don't think the whole thing really made an impact on me until we neared
the 1yr anniversary of his diagnosis which occurred around the xmas holidays
& the birth of our next child. I found myself terrified to love my
new son because of a silly thought that maybe God had given me this new
child to nurture & give me something to live for, so he could take
my other son. I eventually got over this fear & can't imagine life
without my youngest.
My 5-year-old stopped his chemotherapy just over
6months ago & now we are playing "wait & see" with monthly blood
checks to monitor his progress. For me this is almost worse than the actual
chemo was because I live in fear that he will fall out of remission &
I will still lose him. I have seen 2 children who were receiving chemo
for other types of cancer at the same time Aaron was ( who we became close
with) fall out of remission in the last few months & I watch their
parents face my worst nightmare of the more than likely possibility that
they will lose their child now.
I am thankful that I found this site, & hope
to recommend it to several people including my son's doctors & nurses
who face the devastating loss of their pediatric patients while continuing
to give us the best care they possibly can!
Thank you for this site, I hope to visit it often!
Judy Lyon
Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your beautiful,
wonderful and awesome web site.
I have a debilitating disease. One of my
younger sisters had a breast removed because of cancer. My Mom is
on dialysis. Friends, co-workers, family, and strangers--we are all
Thanks for the uplift.
Bonnie J. Ross
Thank-you. I have just found your web site,
from a link on www.oncolink.upenn.edu and it is lovely. I have marked
it to come back to and have taken some quotes to think and write about
in my journal. I started this journal with the loss of my marriage,
and now have two dear friends with life threatening illnesses.
I did not realize how much I needed your tool
for nourishing my own soul. This has come at the right time.
Thank-you again,
M Glassie
I just wanted to say thank you for your web page.
Leesa Thomas
What a beautiful page. Thank you.
Nancy Bonnevier
Your Pages are wonderful!
I am a Metaphyscial Minister and have added your
Page to my 'link list'. Thank you so much for taking the time to
do a page like this:-)
Most Sincerely,
Rev Jack Bittler
I am writing a non-fiction book titled A CONDITION
OF LIMBO: Chronicles of a Daughter’s Unconditional Love. Written
in remembrance of my terminally ill father, now deceased. He suffered
with cancer and dementia. In the book, I would like to refer to your
web site so others can be informed.
I would like to know if you would grant me permission
to refer to the site. Please advise me at your earliest convenience.
I am attaching a synopsis of the book.
Thank you.
Barbie Perkins-Cooper
Thank you so much
Thank you for creating the Journey of Hearts web
site. I have put a link to your page on my new life page of poetry
and I am sure it will help those who visit.
With prayerful respect,
I hope this finds you well... I have been undergoing
a metamorphosis of gigantic proportions (at least to me it is gigantic!)
I am shedding the cocoon of my past. It is a slow process, but I
am dealing with the issues of my mother's murder and dad's suicide.
You have a very special place in my life.
It was 1998 when you put my poem, The Angelic Butterfly, in the Butterflies
and Blazes section of A Journey of Hearts. That started things for
me and I wanted to share my ramblings with you since I do consider you
a special part of my miracle.
Well, I will close for now. Take good care
and may the angels continue to bless you and A Journey of Hearts!
Angelically yours,
The information you are supplying
is so wonderful. I am so impressed.
I am making a presentation to a group of professionals
ande paraprofessionals at a convention for the EArly Mental Health Initiative
(also known as PIP). These educators work with children between the
ages of kindergarten and third grade and their parents. I would be
very eager to share some of the
information you have on the website with the
staff if you would be willing to provide me with permission. I will,
of course, refer them to the website during the presentation for on-going
reference but anything that I could distribute for those participants that
don't have access to the internet would be helpful as well. Could
you advise me?
I am a school psychologist with Fowler Unified
School District. We had some difficulties with mourning issues as
two young teenage girls were killed by a drunk driver. The fall-out
throughout this tiny community was extensive. We want to help our
community deal with their pain and recovery. Thanks in advance
for any opportunities for assistance you may be willing to supply.
Your website is such a needed
place for those who are loosing or have lost someone they love. My mom
died in January of lung cancer. We were extremely close so of course I
felt a lot of emotions especially heartbreak. Your site had some beautiful
moving pieces that helped a lot. I have since been on AOL health message
boards helping support those going through this tough time. It helps me
to be a friend to others that feel like they are the only ones feeling
such pain. I have made a lot of friends and hope someday to go back to
college and help in a clinical environment. Thank you for your site and
thank you for seeing that we need a place to log on when feeling grief
Yours truly
L Fresina
I will be again visiting
your site Journey of Hearts, for we know it is a journey of slipping and
slide forward and sometimes the other way too. Thank you for the helping
hand dear friend, both before and now
Marion Stewart
Some time ago I sent you
comments about your wonderful web site. I still think it's quite
wonderful and have linked you to my own web site. I appear on your
comments page in name only. I noticed that some of the comments have
links back to the contributors. If you choose to keep me on your
comments page in future updates you may link my name to my web page
at the server if you wish to.
Thanks Again, for your wonderful mission; you
can't possibly know all the peace that your site had brought to those are
so desperately searching for an answer that eludes us all...temporarily
.... In peace and hope......
Your site is very inspiring
and beautiful. Great selection of quotes and incredible people.
Take Care,
Thank you! Your website is
fabulous! What a welcome find in this often hectic, scary world!
God Bless,
What a necessary, important
and beautiful website; much better than other websites I have visited.
I found this through about.com, a great resource of grief and bereavement
My only suggestion is to be able to e-mail pages
to friends. I would love to share this website with others.
I lost my fiancé 4 months ago. I
lost my mom last year. Losing my fiancé has been harder than
losing my mom. I'm not saying losing mom was easy. Just
My lesson so far? To take one day at a time.
It's been very difficult to work full-time and do the things I need to
take care of myself; it’s a struggle just to do the day-to-day stuff in
addition to the things I need to do to heal. But I need the structure
and social contact of work. It's the missing part I think that's the hardest,
because that person is irreplaceable. I still feel anger. I know
that I will move on. I will be different. I just don't know how.
Thank you again for this wonderful website.
Thank God for special people.
I cannot begin to measure the value I have received in one week from Journey
of Hearts.
I must have a biopsy next week and the news has
rocked my sould to its very foundation. I have entered a transition of
immeasurable proportion. I am always amazed at how God puts before us exactly
what we need at the moment, if only we open ourselves up to this. NOt only
do I need the biopsy, but one close rriend had breast cancer surgery 3
weeks agao and another has a biopsy next week on her lung. Being that we
are all under 55 and all women, it has shaken me to the core, but also
given me a whole new strength. Also, my mother is in the final stages of
Alzheimer's and has not eaten in 10 days. It has transformed me.
I have reached out to family, friends and strangers
in a way I have never been able to before. What is unbelievable, is how
they all respond. My greates find is Journey of Hearts. I thank God for
all the truly miraculous souls participating in this site.
Stumbled upon your website
and really appreciate the many words of encouragement. Thank you for your
hard work and dedication...
My father-in-law died of
cancer two days ago. I visited your web-site and was compelled to
write to you.
When they told me that he was diagnosed with cancer,
it was as if a huge weight had been placed on my shoulders. With
each piece of news, the weight felt different. Progress and hopefulness
made the weight feel lighter. Bad news, of course, added more weight.
No, it's Non-Hodgkin's, they said. Heavier. The chemotherapy had
no effect. Heavier. It's terminal; no more treatments; in-home
hospice: crushing weight. When we got word that he had left us, the
weight was gone. In it's place was the empty void inside of losing
him and wanting him back.
I thought it would be easier. I thought
I would be prepared. But the only difference in experiencing death
this way was that the weight on my shoulders went away. I'm so glad
that the sickness and suffering is over. But all the same, I wish I could
tell all those out there with loved ones who suffer that the grief will
be no easier. It's just that the weight on their shoulders will be
gone and they will suffer in a different way after the death.
I hope that my new understanding will help others.
Thank you for your compassionate web-site.
Sue O'Bannon
Bala Cynwyd, PA
Hi there! Let me introduce
myself... My name is Sheri Gardner. I’m a sophomore in high school
and while surfing the web i came across your site. I lost my Grandfather
during the summer of 98 to bone cancer. And it seems that I miss
him more everyday. First let me say that your site is wonderful.
It really helped me.
Thank you for your time.
Sheri Gardner
I would like permission to
put your poem IN MEMORY OF YOU in the Windsor Star as a memorial for my
sister who will have been in eternal life 10 years on October 24, 2000.
She was only 26 years old and had two young boys 2 and 4.
I read your poem and want to be able to express
the feelings you provide in that poem to everyone who takes the time to
read the memorian. Please let me know if it is okay for me to use
your poem.
Katherine Labbe
I have a homepage on AOL
in memory of my husband who died in 96 in a car accident. I would like
to know if I can link some of these poems in my page so others can link
to your site and enjoy the wonderful healing messages you have
G'day and may I say THANK
YOU VERY MUCH for such a WONDERFUL SITE! I could have used this site
4 years ago when I lost my dog of 16 years. As it is, I've found
you now and am happy (I saw someone recommend your site while I was in
a chat room).
I hope you have a faaaaaaaantastic day!
Liz C
I visited your Journey of
Hearts and really appreciate the premise it was built on. A wealth of wonderful
ideas and info! You have put a lot of heart and soul into the site.
I recently created an eGroup for the purpose of
offering support and friendship to those whose lives have been touched
by cancer. For folks on that "Cancer Carousel", if you will. We are 11
members strong and growing with over 150 postings.
Currently, we are working on a new website of
the same name "THE CAROUSEL OF HOPE.” As we proceed, I would love to link
with your site and maybe use some things found in the Journey Of Hearts.
Of course I would certainly be happy to give credits to your site.
I was surprised when I surfed in to your site,
because, I had a lot of the same ides for my Carousel Of Hope. Once
I get the initial pages up, would love to expand to include Child Abuse,
Spousal Abuse,
Missing Children, Troubled Teens and Foster Care.
Sounds like a big bill. As the saying goes,"One small step at a time".
Again, I have bookmarked The Journey Of Hearts
and will return often. Would appreciate your response regarding my use
of some of your things for THE CAROUSEL OF HOPE. When we get the first
page up, I would like to send it to you
Take care
I am astonished and delighted to find your beautiful
Journey of Hearts website. I am a counselor/ chaplain at the V.A. Medical
Center in Grand Junction, Colorado. In my training I focused on Bereavement
counseling and worked with Hilltop Hospice (which is not called Hospice
of the Grand Valley). This was many years ago (1973-) After the death of
my husband I went to Healing Arts School in Crestone, Co. When I returned
home, I started a private practice integrating emotional healing work with
therapeutic body work. I called it HEALING HEARTS. I closed this
practice when I began a somewhat different specialty yet related: pastoral
care training and spent four years studying theology adjunct to working
at V.A.
I just got a home computer and am learning how
to connect with other with other websites. I have a loving network of friends
who are working to heal their grief and we are in the process of creating
OASIS friends, one another strengthen and supported in Spirit.
I am grateful to have the opportunity to make
this divine connection! a small miracle. Your site is an ideal model and
I am sure it has inspired many with comfort and inspiration.
Thank you, ...Astonished and Delighted.
I just want to say thank
you for such a wonderful site. A place where one can visit broken, and
leave feeling whole. I want to thank you for the help you gave me along
the journey that I have been on.
I have realized that there is always HOPE.
God Bless You and may He hide you in the depth
of His love, and cover you with His hands.
Awaiting His Shout
My mother is about to die
and I don't know how I am going to live that moment.
I congratulate you for this site!
Just wanted to tell you that
I love the site. I have passed it on to a friend of mine who has also recently
gone through some tough times (lost a sister to cancer 3 years ago, and
her mom had a massive stroke last week, and is still [in the hospital]
You are truly a special physician, your compassion
and your strength show through in this web site.
You have truly touched my life.
Just wanted to thank you
for this website. My girlfriend sent me this website, you were filling
in for her doctor who was on vacation and commented what a neat doctor
you were.
Having lost my sister has constantly put a void
in my life. Her and I were inseparable. Trying to move on has
been so difficult and she has been gone almost 4 yrs. Hopefully through
your website I will be able to heal.
You are truly as asset to your field. I
wish we had more compassionate doctors like you in this world. Many
blessings your way.
Jeannette Hughey
We met a few years ago at
an AAB conference. I was just at your web page looking for pages to refer
my loss, grief and dying students to. The page is really great! I'm so
glad that you addressed loss as a universal experience.
BTW, since we met my husband of 32 years has died.
He had CLL, which triggered ITP. He ended up dying of septicemia.
I am now doing seminars for PESI Health Care on
end of life issues, as well as teaching two sections of Loss, Grief, and
Dying for Cochise College in southeastern Arizona.
Hope all is well with you.
Enid Scwhartz
I was looking for Balloons
Belong in Church, and there you were!
Steve Hogg
Read More Comments from 2000
You were there
at my worst moment. My wife of 49 years died on Dec. 2, 1999. I found
your pages while seeking help on the internet. I spent the rest of
the next night reading and printing out those messages which pulled me
through the next 30 days of my grief stricken existence. Now 6 weeks
after her death I read those messages of hope, poems and when the tears
are heaviest, they lift me out of my depression.
Thank you for being there.
Your site pulled me through the night & continues to be there for me.
Bob Rosenblum
See the Emergency
911 Page for links to immediate resources
if you are feeling helpless,
hopeless, overwhelmingly depressed, or suicidal.
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